TE71 Xin

Biggest dick comment of the day goes to you, sir.

Glad that we jointly carry the torch.

Dougie.... can I call you that? Great! Okay, so you’ve hit a very soft spot for me here. Every day, I lament that my fellow drivers here in the US of A have, on average, a rudimentary understanding of how to drive at best. The left lane is for passing. nothing more. Move it or lose it. We Americans think of driving as

[A batch of MGAs being prepared for dispatch to the United States. Only complete cars are sent to this important market, and the method of packing illustrated here makes the best use of the cargo space. (1957.)]

This is why we need Trump for president. He'll stop the knock-off Chinese vehicles that violate copyright laws. Trump wins all the time against the Chinese. He even knows one. And in case you didn't know, he is very, very rich.

Now playing

This one is pretty bad too. And the GTR is almost as bad as the Corvette when it comes to idiot drivers.

Drifting, power-sliding, handbrake turn, call it what you will. Yes, I realize there’s a difference, but I think we all got the point. And regardless of your personal taste in hill climb videos, this one was still pretty damn impressive.

The Michelin Man has never been so 1980’s Atari.

Actually, I don’t want to share them.

Judging people’s financial practices? That’s sad.

“Basically lost my dad’s side of the family over a Honda.” - Nah, you didn’t lose them, you got rid of them. You should be better of without them.

If by “tail” you mean “no one”, then yes, yes I do.