TE71 Xin

I don’t know, how the fuck are you gonna stay on it?

Go away, Rick.

Go lay down, you’re drunk.

You need to carry a second steering wheel in the car for your passengers to flail around on. A friend used to do this with his old RHD Land Rover, and it freaked people out when the passenger started frantically waving the steering wheel around in mock terror.

I don’t think so. MSO told me the most challenging part of McLaren F1 maintenance is fixing the electronics, and that car is only 23 years old. Double the time, add batteries and about a million more microchips to the mix, and you’ll be in trouble in 2065.


Why is it ridiculous? BMW was competitive against Mercedes Porsche Audi Corvette and Ferrari, now they are not. The LeMans win was cool but that was 1999, the end of BMWs dominance at the Nurburgring - 16 years ago!!! You could have had a kid the last time they won and he would now be getting his drivers license and

This is disgusting. Whatever plastic forming machine that BMW bought to make the rear of the i8 needs to be thrown out or never used while on drugs again. It looks like some modern bolt on fender kit from eBay that would get bolted onto a Supra or BRZ. The front end is disgusting. Sure lexus has a huge cobra commander

Prius owners choose to be prius owners.


Every time I fly back and forth between MURICA and NIPPON, I do the “where the hell are my signals, where the hell are my wipers” dance. Every. Damn. Time.

dirty diapers stuffed in McDonalds bags alongside half eaten cheeseburgers in the trunk