TE71 Xin

I belong to the Utah Salt Flats Racing Association. I met the boys when they came to the salt flats to test the Corvette, Cadillac and Challenger. Jeremy was very nice as were Richard and James. I had no problems with them or the crew. They were on the salt for 2 days so it was not a long time to interact, but

I've shared a pint with him a few times, he was born in our Village and occasionally drank in my local. A bloody nice bloke and a pleasure to be around. In my opinion he should leave the BBC and start a web based series like "driven" or "comedians in cars getting coffee". I'm sure May and Hammond would join in the

I'd like to think that if you could afford the car and its regular upkeep, you could also afford any custom bodywork that comes with damaging it. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and never stare at pelicans.

A few times I've had people excessively tailgate me to the point I'll just slow right to the speed limit and stick right there. One guy got to the next light and pulled up next to me an rolled down his window and started yelling. Well nice thing about typically having a K9 in the car with me, I rolled down my back

Is there any way for a buyer to gauge a dealership when they enter it? Stuff like this scares me if I get into a dealership of this nature, :/.


"Uhhg" followed by asking what it costs the taxpayers implied that you were one of the Jalopnik readers who bitches and moans about Foxtrot Alpha.

Good for them. When we had our garage there was a guy, probably in his 30's, who started coming to visit us. I don't know exactly what was wrong with him, but he had a severe speech impediment, physical disabilities (although he was able to get around easily enough) and diminished mental acuity. I don't know exactly

Couldn't agree more about Winkelmann. That man is a douche of the highest order - I've had the displeasure of meeting a few times now, and several of my friends have met with him as well, and not one opinion differs. Douchebag. Even his own dealers hate his guts.

[A 1969 Skyline 2000GT-R runs with a Nissan R380-III prototype for a photo shoot. Credit: Nissan]

Can we start banning trolls for once? Let's start here, with the idiot that is pretending that two people weren't killed.

I try to do work on my own when I can — I genuinely like it and find it enhances my bond with the car. But sometimes life and kids and other projects get jealous and want your time. Jerks, right? Time's the biggest factor. But I still like to get dirty when I can.

Because I'm holding the camera and you're wrenching in that picture, I thought

Is Pagani the new Lamborghini then?