TE71 Xin

A woman in her 70's working on her truck. She is awesome.

You know what's better than a hooker? TWO HOOKERS!!!!

Why stop at the 7? That whole late 90's generation is the best BMW has ever been.

We have forgotten Mandela's red W126 500SEL


Kei Tank? yes it is.

Porsche engines took 25 F1 victories in the 1980s, racking up three world driver's championships and two constructor's championships in the process. It's all detailed here and here on Wiki.

That Tyrrell needs more wheels

Obviously, you completely chose to ignore the fact that the "rallies" I'm referring to, and used several examples, such as Bullrun, Gumball, etc, and the WRC version of the word "rally," are two completely different things. You're just trying to make yourself sound smarter, but it really just makes you sound like a

Everybody was kung fu fighting.

Maybe Webber was dying inside his skin from having to be around a bunch of office politic dicks that infest F1.

I noticed no tire marks, so he must have done it in one take... ;-)

Are we sure this wasn't about the car itself? Why do they assume the 300 was causing trouble? Can't a midsize sedan drive down the street in broad daylight with getting hassled by the police? Is this that stop & frisk $hit I been hearing about? Or should 300 come back later with his attorney? Yeah, that's right, 300

Damn. Makes my story lame.

I think dad going to prison was the greatest gift he could've hoped for. Hopefully someone else will step up and be a real adult figure for him to look up to.