
I like how for this comment you specifically ignore me mentioning minorities like LGBT people who if all that anti-gay legislation is anything to go by is about what I’d consider “institutionally sanctioned” I also want to make clear that I’m in no way trying to diminish the very real problem of institutional racism,

Like isn’t it a joke how he’s never left the Kwik E Mart for more than a small amount of time?

One of the big arcs of this season has been Beth coming to grips with being her father’s daughter. Having Beth do the season ending fourth wall break, I felt, was a nod to that, and to Rick having lost the control he thought he had at the beginning of the season.

This wasn’t really what I wanted, but still... what a finale. Dense, mean, and ugly. Season 3 R&M isn’t sustainable, which the show admits in Ricklaxation when Rick tells his toxic self that if he were allowed to run things they’d be dead in minutes. Rick’s worst impulses have run his thinking all season, and the

Fair. I think the clunkiness of the AI works in the game’s favor, though—it makes them creepy as hell, because they seem so robotic and it’s hard to suss their motivations. I think with any game AI, there’s a balance to strike between seeming ‘real’ or ‘human’ and being too powerful or not fun to play against. So in

His collapse was before finding out that it was Bea at fault - it was more that just by being around this sweet kid doing nothing he’s ruined her life and almost killed her just by being him, the guy with the pill guy he needs to have on dial.

They introduced in this very episode a way to make Rick vulnerable, take away his memories, and we know Evil Morty has access to similar technology from his memory scanner

THE A.V. CLUB: 1st 2nd? 3rd! Third in News!

Not sure if anyone’s pointed it out but I’m fairly certain that the “adventure” Rick took Morty on was basically the last half of Star Wars.