
My first thought was Eternal Sonata.

“The reason for the stigma many Japanese have towards tattoos is that it’s seen as dishonorable to one’s parents to deface the body they bestowed.”

I havent watched GameGrumps in a long time, but I was really curious what this would be like since I know what kind of game this is after watching a friend stream the second half. I’m only on the second episode so far, but I am loving this - theyre awesome, the voice Arin is using for Monika is incredible! I can’t wa

Very awesome news - I wonder if we’ll also see a wide re-release of any of the old amiibos, or a line of entirely new ones to go with it. They never made ones for Ice Climbers, Snake, etc.

“There’s a bunch of other pink stuff on sale too, like sprays and icons...”

On the topic of SquEnix not getting the message, FFXIV just had emergency maintenance last night for a huge exploit that was supposedly reported 4 months ago. Players could make a macro to use a limit break ability that was designed only to be used by NPCs within a specific dungeon. It granted a 50% bonus damage buff

I can agree that it did go as smoothly as it could, considering I got past the launcher this time with zero issues, proceeded to crash at the title screen due to a lobby error, went back into the launcher again with zero issues, ended up 400 in the queue, and still (FINALLY) managed to get a large house in Goblet

As someone who grew up with TRU, I’m sad to see them in decline. However, after they’ve started to get shady when ordering from them online, I also won’t miss them.

You can already do this with software you can buy on Steam, called FaceRig. My friend who streams Final Fantasy XIV uses it all the time.

Have you never seen any of the old Super Mario cartoons? Or do you just find all of the voice work in those to be unacceptable? I don’t know if it’s because I grew up watching those that a different voice actor wouldn’t bother me at all, so I’m curious if that’s just me.

I love the character creator in BDO, I have so many screenshots that I use for desktop wallpaper. What I can’t stand is how the lighting completely alters the hell out of your appearance once you enter the game. “I wanted dark brown hair, but I guess fire-engine red is fine, too...”

The inventory, glamour, and housing systems need an overhaul. More character customization would be nice, too - I can’t take the new WoL monk model seriously when they show it in things like the 4.1 trailer, he looks terrible compared to the SB trailer.

Now playing

She also has a YouTube channel where she posts some tutorials. She actually made the Nova Rifle almost two years ago, which she has a video for.

I was expecting queues, I was expecting a battle - what I was not expecting was that the launcher was going to go to absolute crap and would be the thing to completely screw me trying to get that Play button to load.

I’m still awaiting the GDQ in which none of the runners make it to the end. We’ve come dangerously close to that point twice now in the past year, and I’m curious what the community’s reaction would be.

In most cases, the survivor the main character/narrator is always the one that goes to sleep last - so just make sure you wait until everyone else is asleep, and then you’re good!

This for me, too! Love weather effects, and University has always been a favorite of mine. Although I guess it’d be more like Get to Work than how it used to be. I’m still looking forward to it.

Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System. I probably was only 4 or 5 when my older brother got it, and between the intro of Nero’s death and the monster eye with bat wings just outside of town, I think I was scared enough that my mom ended up returning it - but we bought it again years later. I still have yet to beat

I’m looking forward to seeing this speedrun at the next GDQ!

I remember reading the old Sonic comics way back in the day, I loved them! I fondly recall bringing them with me once when I went on a brief roadtrip. I see now they’re on ComiXology - I might have to pick those up the next time they have a sale.