
Very deft how you managed to take a comment that begins with “I feel” and make it seen like they were tellng you how you feel.

and he can’t either... and he likely didn’t understand that she can’t consent... you are placing to high of a burden on a 16 year old kid to understand and act appropriately given all the circumstances. You want to nail this kid to the wall for being a horny teenage boy in a bathroom with a willing girl, that doesn’t

What is the issue? Developers getting laid off. Why are they getting laid off? Their game was not profitable enough to keep them around. Why was their game not profitable enough? Didn’t make enough money. How can the game make more money? Sell more copies or charge more money per copy. We can assume they did and are

“Or puzzles where the real challenge is just figuring out what the _rules_ are rather than what the solution is?”

good point i guess they should have just fired everyone after the first GH to avoid ‘glutting the market’ and then overestimating interest in a revival... I mean if they don’t do layoffs now what would these people be doing instead? Oh yeah making more music game genre stuff AKA (by you) glutting the market some more.

Agreed, I love what GH did with the genre. I wonder if the way they’ve licensed the music for GH:TV precludes buying songs for good? If they’ve got a pay per play arrangement with the original artists and their labels then they a) wouldn’t be able to allow us to download individual tracks for play offline and b) even

yeah most gamers seem to be pretty ignorant about how things work. If as a group we continue to demand more and better, all the while refusing to compromise on the $60 price point, it is just a fact of life that more and more games will become unprofitable. We can’t have nice things because we aren’t willing to pay

It’s true all movies cost the same on opening day, but all movies also adhere fairly strictly to a general length we associate with movies usually between 2 and 3 hours. There are exceptions of course but they don’t stray far from that time range. So if you buy a movie ticket and the show is over after say 30 minutes,

of course it’s going to work, if it’s good. 24 worked in the first place because it was good, not because it incorporated an already established badass. If the new one fails, it will be because it wasn’t good.

PA is definitely funny more often than most of the comics that get collected here.

Pretty sure they nixed handles so they could store more easily. As often as shaped cookies get made around my house I’d value compact storage over handles always.

Are you seriously taller than Colin Kaepernick? I assumed that guy was at least like 6’6”

what is that, 35 lanes across? why would you even build such a monstrosity

6MM * $60 = $360MM < some AAA games’ entire development budget. Following those principles doesn’t guarantee 6 million sales, and even if it did games like destiny would lose money

Is it just me or did cruchyroll really drop the ball on this season? Only a handful of these anime will be simulcast by them, and only 2 or 3 that I actually want to watch... Guess it’s time to catch up on my backlog? But still, pretty weak lineup on cruchyroll :/

suppose you are watching the pot and it starts boiling. That is a watched pot that boiled only when you watched it.

devised a mathematical limerick of my own for fun. It's a bit of a stretch, but...

there should be a rule where if you put the "comma explained" after a thing, and that's the title if your article, then the article should explain the thing.

david sirlin already invented Chess 2