
Kiss ass.

You just described the Asus Transformer.

Personally I'd go with the H22A. Closed deck, VTEC, OBD I, possiblity of stroking it with the H23 crank.

The premiere class uses 800cc bikes now.

Aww poop. -1 for the Galaxy Nexus. I'll still buy one though.

Holy shit, that's crazy. Hadn't heard of that.

In addition to what KobeNoMeansNo said, look at pre-orders at Best Buy, Costco, etc. as they usually run instant rebates.

The cost of a 16gb micro SD card (probably already included).

Verizon doesn't use a sim card for 3g, only for 4g. The only time a Verizon 3g phone would have a sim card is if it's a world phone (BB, or Droid Pro for example). Can you provide a bit more clarification?

My god, it's uncanny how much the MBA looks like that 606 Universal Shleving (Shelving?) System. An obvious copy. /s

Last time i checked the flagship mobile device from Apple (the iPhone 4S, $199 on contract) was cheaper than the flagship Android device (the Galaxy Nexus will premiere at $299 on contract). The price for an iPad 2 16GB is the same as the Galaxy Tab 16GB at $499. Yes, the Acer and Asus tablets are cheaper, but they

These kind of exploits are found in all sort of devices from all manufactures, running all OSes.

Bring it on Nokia, I think WP7 will feel right at home on your devices. And with your instant name recognition, I think it'll be the boost that WP7 needs too.

Nope, you are absolutely correct. Motorola does have the webtop though. Obviously it wont run CAD software, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Some of us like to though. Go to XDA Developers some time and just look at how many people enjoy tweaking things. Currently, I run a ROM called CM7. It offers me features that I can't find anywhere else. Plus, I enjoy updating my phone every couple of days and seeing new features before anyone else does. Hell, I

Honestly, take a look at it. You can make Impel do just about what ever automated task you would want, and they are constantly updating it and adding new tasks. If there is something that you would like to see added, the developers are always looking for ideas. It's honestly a great program.

Android apps such as Tasker or Impel can do this. Tasker is a pain to set up but very powerful. I use Impel to do a location based vibrate mode. Having a cell phone in your pocket where I worked was a big no-no so I set my phone to automatically go into vibrate mode when I arrived at work. Worked like a charm.

I don't believe that any mobile device uses local dimming like that found in LED lit LCD TVs. I don't think that it'll ever catch on though, since organic LED displays out perform every type of LCD.

Yes. The reason they didn't release it for HC was they did not want people hacking their tablet specific OS onto phones. Now that ICS is biuld for both tablets and phones from ground up, they won't have an excuse to withhold the source code.