
I see what you mean. I re-watched that lip-sync and noticed that Aja's style tends to involve a little too much throwing the arms around. The better ones tend to be more carefully thought out, with crowd pleasing moves planned according to the music and its lyrics. This makes me think of why Alaska out shined Katya so

You didn't enjoy Kimora vs Aja?! That was gag worthy imho

Also, although speaking of casting an actor/actress who shares the same gender identification with the role makes it sound like of course Maura should be played by a trans actor, but actually, the Maura character is pre-operation. If you find a post-op one to play her then it's not technically any more correct than

I guess Ru and the judges are still maintaining some control over choosing who's in the tops and who's in the bottoms?

Does anyone think Patrick in the fight is a bit too much standing on the moral high ground? I don't like Kevin particularly much but Patrick's behaviours do not necessarily live up to his perfect romantic self-image either. In the fight Kevin's cynicism is slowly wearing off, but not so much Patrick's.