
There is a certain mental model that requires extreme distortion of facts to preserve a deeply flawed hypothesis so as to not question one’s own irrational, personal biases.

-Antifa seeks to operate without any transparency

“I’m guessing those who believe antifa are ‘violent’ like actual fascists have never been to one of these events see that the police are always the provacateurs and will violently defend white supremacists from their own citizens.”

I get stuck on this line:

I don’t know, why don’t you ask India how they managed to gain their independence from England?  Or, maybe ask Martin Luther King, Jr how the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act got passed?

Nice to see that the Nazis are a bunch of sniveling cowards who when the chips are down will still run a mile.

While nice that the size of the crowds managed to terrify the racists into staying away, actually demonstrating peacefully would have been much better.  Nonviolence works for a reason.

Metrics for both literacy and hunger have vastly improved thanks to economic liberalization and the subsequent increase in wealth it generates.

While arguing for no regulations is a bit of a straw man, there has been decades of evidence linking dramatically improved quality of life with economic liberalization. Sure, there will always be a need for regulation, but capitalism remains the most potent engine of human success. It’s funny that you bring up historic

The Nordic model for social welfare is impossible without capitalism.

Bernie has been a hack backbencher in Congress since he was elected. His ideas as half-baked at best.

She has the same appeal for these guys as bernie - meaning she hasn’t done enough for them to pick apart - she didn’t have an opponent attacking her record, or a history of soundbites to find random fault.

To a degree, I agree with them. Her entire political career thus far is summed up in four words: She won a primary.

I expect the commenters who spend their time on this site #resisting by continuing to come up with increasingly unwieldy and incoherent nicknames for Trump to have a very reasonable reaction to this article.

The three examples of protest you cite for comparison are not analogous to this one. The protesters were acting within their rights in those examples - they were not acting within their rights in this one by breaking into someone’s private event. That is why people see this one differently. The issue isn’t that

Splinter and the Root should just combine and call it “Why We Hate White People”. You can ask many questions that frame the responses to your narrative. I’d like to see the list of questions, where they got their information to form this chart.

Charity as a share of family wealth? Isn’t that a misleading metric due to what you wrote in the first paragraph?

It only ices over a few days in the winter, and that’s not even every winter. Most days in winter the highs are around the 50's or 60's.

Surely there has to be a few operable bikes within that mess.

There are 9 other months and some of them are quite pleasant.