To be completely fair, if you really support a cause you’re out protesting for, why would you want to hide your face? Own that shit, don’t hide from the repercussions.
If you’re fighting Nazis, why wear a mask?
I’m amazed and dismayed that the Democrats aren’t more dedicated to stalling.
You say that as if giving Garland a hearing would have mattered outside of courtesy. The issue at the time was that there weren’t the votes to support Garland’s confirmation even if the hearing had happened. Garland never had a shot unfortunately, acting as though he isn’t on the SCOTUS currently due to bastardy…
Kavanaugh has a very strongly-held belief that the president should have free reign to do insanely corrupt things with no consequences.
There is a conflation of ideas happening here.
Every left and center-left policy that could conceivably be enacted in the coming decades is on the chopping block
If the driver had crashed into anything, he would have been keeled.
Of all the bad shit that Kavanaugh (or anyone else on his short list, for that matter) would do, the belief that you can’t prosecute the President is a pretty widely-held one and not limited to arch-conservative villains.
There’s absolutely nothing normal about Trump. However, If I were POTUS, and my sister were a federal judge, I’d probably ask her what she thought of a person I was considering for SCOTUS.
This is solid trolling. I’m dong my best to pull you out of the grays
Troll rating: 9.5/10
Perhaps you’d like a Model T, which could be fixed with a pair of tin snips and some baling wire.
Term limits are largely bad, unless sufficiently long that they’re only a bound on the most extreme hangers-on (like, 20+ years). Term limits rob the government of expertise and increase the influence of special interests. Also, I think it’s debatable whether or not politicians should be punished for being popular.
I can’t stop shaking my head that people who are screaming the Dems need to stop this don’t seem to realize 2 things:
Fuck civility. They need to pull what Turtle pulled with Garland.
Yeah, because state elections of judges goes so well.
The last thing we need is dark money flowing into SCOTUS elections. Jesus Christ.