No, a conservative’s dream is people having the right to defend themselves so public mass murders aren’t easily carried out.
Oh bless your heart. LOL
If your boss told you “It would hugely benefit the company if you ran out into trafiic”, would you do it? If you didn’t, does that make him a bad leader?
Unless Chuck Schumer is able to magically change the laws of math, he has zero ability to deny quorum.
I haven't yet found a serious legal scholar who believes he can be. The way to remove the president from office is set forth in extreme detail in the Constitution; the justice department or a state AG can't indicted him and out him in prison. Even if they could, he'd still president, and would run the country, quite…
The belief that a sitting president can’t be indicted isn’t some far flung belief. The reason being that it’s congress’ job to remove a lawless president.
Of course it over heated, it’s German that’s what they do, that and invade Poland.
Which rights, specifically, have women lost?
uummm...it amazes me how uninformed publicly educated kids are these days. There’s a huge difference between this and the Garland situation. Republicans were and are still the M-A-J-O-R-I-T-Y in the Senate. That is the body responsible for giving their blessing on a nominee. Now try to follow this.....with…
There is a vast (basically night and day) difference between executive power over foreign nationals and over citizens.
it’s why the drone strike on the US citizen was such a high pressure issue.
Maybe you should just force everyone who disagrees with you to wear a yellow Star of David on their sleeve so they are easier to identify.
I’m all for silencing actual Nazis. Just not people you don’t agree with though.
He won the election though.
A few thoughts.
Silencing those you don’t agree with? Sounds kinda..... fascist.
While you’re right about overwork in general, with respect to first world countries, Japan’s pretty singular by comparison in terms of death from overwork.