
The media always tends to lack self-awareness about it’s role. Very few in the media are willing to admit any responsibility for Trump’s nomination and election. They were giving him ten times the free airtime they were giving to other GOP candidates, and then they gave him something like twice the free airtime of

Blowing it off as “just a consensual affair between adults” totally ignores the power dynamic between the President and a 22 year old unpaid intern.

That doesn’t negate the fact that he is a sexual predator with credible rape allegations.

TheGCU needs to visit more art museums. There are plenty of artists who specifically create temporary works because of the meaning it carries.

If I saw them coming up behind me splitting lanes that fast, I’d open my door.

No engines necessary

Thanks for proving my point.

You should have just stopped at “No, I really don’t.”

I couldn’t find a more recent detailed profile. Feel free to share if you have more recent information.

Trump’s administration is not creating the shelters. On the contrary, the number of shelters and children housed peaked in 2014. Here’s a decent look inside one:

You’re gonna have to provide some evidence for that kind of claim.

And where exactly do they address “concentration camps”?

“The right: literally creating concentration camps for children of migrants”