I wanted to believe that too....however, on vwcourtsettlement.com in the document named “Executive Summary of Proposed Class Settlement Program” page 7 has a similar chart as the one with the “buyback” “modification”.
I wanted to believe that too....however, on vwcourtsettlement.com in the document named “Executive Summary of Proposed Class Settlement Program” page 7 has a similar chart as the one with the “buyback” “modification”.
VW will sell them to 3rd world countries that don’t have the emission standards we do. That’s how they will recover salvage.
Dumb question: I see where options say “Add: (SE Only)“....does that mean only SE cars get $$ for those options? SW would like to add too!!! LOL
They will be sold to 3rd world countries that don’t have the emission standards we do (basically for VW to recover salvage).