
Great leader of nation loved dogs and was a vegan. Suspected of racially motivated large scale mass murders and starting world War.


Obviously her comments were not racist at all; people are just too stupid to listen to words coming out of their mouths.

What I really came here to say was that her dress was 100% fire. I mean, I audibly gasped when I saw her on the red carpet. If anything, people were just mad that she looked like she should be

LOL, and now here comes the lecture about when, where, why and how to speak up on our own behalf. Thanks for the feedback on how to help “our” cause. Just moments ago you were mad for not getting credit for being in the fight! Damn. That was hella fast.

Yeah the gerrymandering & voter suppression laws had nothing to do with it. Please keep whitesplaining things to us.

Speaking of the Shawn Spicer bit...

I fell in love with Anika Noni Rose when I saw her in No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, which was my Sunday night show. Jill Scott was amazing and I loved the location it was the first time I saw Botswana in such depth, the people, the culture I fell in love with it. She played Mma Ramotswe’s starched up secretary and

Everywhere we go - there you entities follow... like a bad smell. I understand that Stormfront has been removed from the web, but aren’t there other white supremacist cesspit sites you could be inhabiting rather than coming onto a website where there are human beings? As for your statement that blacks reduce cities to

I cross referenced with the 5 types of Becky guide book and Rebecca checks out.


It’s astounding how little those who are police understand (or choose to ignore) why so many people don’t trust them. Maybe they should do less ice cream handouts and more reflection and getting ride of the bigotry and overall douchebag-ness in their ranks.

It’s been proven that cops (aka pigs) on the STL Metro PD (and STL County PD) have ties to the KKK. Of course they think the streets belong to them, because they hate black people and think this Native American territory belongs to wypipo. Lolz... :-/

“Police apparently thought it was appropriate to chant “whose streets, our streets,”

In the USA, the UK , other parts of Europe and Canada - white people masquerading as human beings shoot black people and other people of colour at alarming rates. Only one white entity police officer (Michael Slager) has ever been found guilty of killing a minority group. So whites have an almost 100% worldwide

They flat out dismissed scientific evidence.

We process guns for DNA at our lab all the time. The fact that 1) they got results and 2) it was just the cop’s DNA (from what I’ve read) really, really supports the conclusion that it wasn’t Smith’s. I mean, that should be obvious. But even if the cop touched it after the fact, if it was Smith’s gun he’d be on it. A

You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

“Free” as in equal rights and treatment by the government and society. I understand that your idiocy would cause you to interpret that literally, so perhaps I’ll just let you off with a warning to not come for me. I have little desire to show mercy to a racist invading a space for my people and telling me to leave the

There might not be any logic to where the feces sprays, or who gets hit, but it is as just and logical as the indiscriminate killing of black men by law enforcement officers all across the country. It might not be fair, it might not solve the problem, but whenever a community of people finally decides to stand up to