
The word ‘racist’ has become completely divorced from the concept and reality of racism.

It’s just like the kid in the video from Charlottesville who stripped his shirt off REAL quick once he started being filmed and INSISTED “im not white power, im not a racist, i just came for the fun” OH WHAT IS FUN ABOUT THIS? “oh well it’s just fun to say white power you know?”

it was meant to be funny, not racist.

What in the actual fuck?!

If I ever meet her one day, I’ll look her straight in her face and say, Listen you need to stop being racist, if for no other reason than, because it is seriously fucking up your skin.” Hand her some mango butter and walk away.

“You leave me out of this! I denounce white supremacists.”

He looks like the evil in his soul is escaping his body. Hence all the sores and such.

The most accurate description of Bannon was when Desus Nice said he looked like he may smell like an almost empty beer can that was left out in the sun for a few weeks.

She is one mugshot away from.looking like a “Faces of Meth.”

I think Steve Bannon is actually the Portrait of Dorian Gray:

I’m gonna say evil people look like their soul has already left their body and their skin is only kept partially suspended over their bones by bugs like the alien on Men in Black.

I believe this, mostly because I also believe that Kellyanne Conway has greyscale trait.

If white people had to deal with a tenth of this bullshit there would be a revolution

I’m seeing a lot of tone-deafness. Had a black friend post her feelings about racism -sad, angry, defeated - exactly what you’d expect in light of all the BS, basically. And within an hour there was not one but TWO #notallwhitepeople lectures from her own friend group under that post. WTF?

Kindly take your white fragility elsewhere....

Laugh at them and casually mention, “I like your shirt. I saw one just like it at Old Racist Navy?”

Not even finished reading yet, but this aside took me fucking OUT!

“You can listen to someone be frustrated and bitch about white women, even in an aggressive way, and CHOOSE to not take it personally.”

Just because your aside at the beginning will go unheeded or not understood: