
Your Trump relatives are not even white??? Then they are racist along with being fucking self-hating nuts!

I really don’t understand their argument on this. If a person says, “Look, I don’t support the KKK and find most of their views repugnant. But they said they’ll lower my taxes and get me a better job than the non-racist candidate, so I’m left with no choice but to support the KKK,” then they’re willfully choosing to

Now a person has to actually pass a racist law to prove that they’re racist? What kind of stupid standard is that? These goalposts have grown legs.

So...don’t talk about racism and white supremacy as white supremacists are marching and beating and killing in the streets? And kind of just...shut up about civil rights but expect people who are too fragile to discuss those things to vote for progressives and work to pass progressive policies?

Can you actually come up with a way he’s passed a racist law that would be any different than any other Republican?

That is classic....”Our country is not racist, and next, here are some black people for you not to like”.

Bull shit. I will not coddle people who decided that my rights, safety, and worth as a person were less important than their trumped up concerns about “economic anxiety.” And it’s pretty telling that economic anxiety is only a crisis and only a good excuse for shitting on others when it’s white men feeling nervous

This stood out to me as reported by CNN on the white supremacist who killed in Charlottesville.

“Im not a racist i just want to pay less taxes. So what if i have to elect a racist who will mostly lower the tax burden on the obscenely wealthy while taking away healthcare for the poor. That extra $5/mo i save in taxes is goddamn worth it”

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.

I could never handle working in a customer service job because of BS like this... doesn’t efficiency count for something?? Nope. Gotta kiss ass while pulling maximum efficiency and rolling in that sweet, sweet minimum wage dough.

To be fair (hahaha you know that is my least favorite phrase ever) it was almost no worse than when we women of color say to men of color (or even white men who are trying to understand) “You know that sexism we were talking about - this is that, what you’re doing right now (whatever it is right then) and it is as bad

From Frank Bruni, the least substantial NYT Op-Ed columnist, no less.
I’ll leave a recent comment on the Times page here and let it do most of the talking:

Things to shut up about: (At people of color)I’m a totally innocent white person, and your blanket statements hurt my fragile feelings.

I just went through a few of the Jezebel comments and it seems people over there don’t think too highly of The Root or it’s readers. As in, “why can’t they understand #notallwhitepeople means I’m absolved from sin and can comment on things I’m ignorant about.”

True Story


Already did that, thanks - and without your help! Amazing!

because only the hit dog hollers. Cause at the end of the day they know they perpetuated this shit. When they sat up at the school board meeting and talked about school choice. When they saw some kids on the corner and peeked out of their house to spy on them and called their neighbor who called the police. When they