I got you. Check it out:
I got you. Check it out:
You could also like, take the joke and move on. No need to get so triggered.
The thing I’ve never understood about “if you can say it why can’t I say it” is that literally anyone can say it. Your jaw doesn’t lock up, your tongue doesn’t fall out. Anyone who is capable of forming the sounds can say it at any time. Just like if you wanted to, you could walk up to any random person on the street…
Nothing about it is racist. Its a fact that I’ve unfortunately encountered for years and even encounter it now. From Mexicans or other Hispanic’s not wanting to learn how to speak Spanish from their first generation parents because they are “embarrassed too”, to Asian’s pretty much being absorbed by white America, to…
A group of inebriated white people doing rap songs at karaoke. Now I know what my hell will look like if I die and go there. It’ll replace ‘endless reruns of the Lawrence Welk show’.
They’re all to varying degrees annoying-to-enraging, but that one gets the forehead veins a-bulging for me. I mean, the irony - WHITE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN “MAKING IT ABOUT RACE” FOR CENTURIES - AT THE EXPENSE OF BLACK PEOPLE - IN EVERY HORRIFIC WAY IMAGINABLE - TO THE POINT OF DEATH! AND YOU NOW HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BLACK…
Usually this one will happen after a so called “ally” says something pretty dang racist that they don’t believe to be. I see it ALOT when the discussion of how white gay culture tends to leech off of black women for expression and comedy.
White gay men tend to use that for the jumping point about going into rants…
“I’m just another white guy saying more white guy stuff.”
“Why does everything have to be about race?”
Variations of these get all-capped to me pretty frequently:
1. We shouldn’t be judged by the color of our skin, but the content of our character!
2. MLK would be rolling in his grave right now.
3. Racism doesn’t mean anything when you people say it all the time.
I was told TODAY during an interview, “You’re clearly very articulate.” Uh, I have an advanced degree in this very field. Why wouldn’t I be articulate?
“Why should white people bother? Black people hate us anyway.”
Things white people say to black people online:
“I like Eminem, because he raps about more than money and selling drugs.”
During a heated ‘discussion’ at a party an acquaintance said to me “I don’t see colour,” and I replied “That explains your outfit.” Then I casually walked away sipping on my gin and tonic.
i work at a predominately black school and they just hired this white lady.. when in a meeting she said “I dont see color” I knew she wouldnt last ..she quit yesterday .. P.S. can a sista get out purgatory? I never commented frequently on VSB but i did comment..same name .. please and thanks
Perfect list. Can we have a list of things white people say to Black people online? Cuz that list gonna be......... Yeah........
I have like three racist bones in my body. I’m always complaining about them, but the rest of the bones won’t do anything about it. Two of them are real assholes and one of them is passive aggressive as shit. I don’t know, every time I think about yanking them out the other bones get all protective. Deep down, I…
20. “Oh, you’re married?”