
This dude not only works for Peter Thiel, he’s the brother of Bret Weinstein, the biology professor from Evergreen State who was surrounded by students who accused him of being racist because he fought against a bunch of diversity initiatives and programs at the college. Over the last three months both brothers have

I have been Tasha, too. I have been the girl who knows the man isn’t shit, but lets him in anyway. I have been the woman who knows he doesn’t want a real relationship with me, but I give him all the benefits of a relationship anyway in hopes that he will recognize the good woman in front of him and pick me.

“I could see the forest if it weren’t for all these dang trees.”

Oh, I’m aware of Luke always being black. I was just branching off.

Yeah I honestly don’t understand it. I’ve had people both online and in real life try to tell me why I was wrong about my own personal experiences growing up.

That’s what I don’t get. For me the filter is always “What if I had to talk to my little guy about this kind of thing?”. Like just on a basic parenting/humanity level, it should bother people that some parents don’t have the luxury of letting their children remain innocent of the world. I don’t understand the

Hmm, wypipo complain when an ad about “the talk” comes out, they complain when an ad with an interracial family comes out, they complain when an ad with a black cast comes out. I’m starting to think the issue isn’t about equality, you guys...

Yes. I am 42, and I don’t remember one specific “talk,” but rather a few stories here and there to impress upon me that I had to be careful with white people.

I remember reading a quote from a depressed Democrat after the election along the lines of “Obama did some good things, but with all the racial hatred now, I don’t think he was worth it.” I don’t remember where I saw it because I’m pretty sure my ensuing eyeroll shut down my brain.

In some places, part of the Black ‘the Talk’ is about not getting beat or murdered because of sex or accusations of sexual interest (see: Till, Emmit)

Wondering if P&G can also start a white tears product line?

(too late to ETA) Forgot to mention one thing. I’m not even that old, only 36. So it’s not like the incredibly racist shit my siblings and I experienced occurred all that long ago.

Serious question: Does your child go to the same Space Camp as my daughter (not the expensive one in, FL, but a small municipal one?)

My Mom and Dad had 5 kids together (3 boys/2 girls). I can’t remember a specific “the talk”. It was basically a life of stories of what it was like for them to to grow up Black in rural Alabama. An unincorporated former”company town”/iron workcamp called Woodward, Al. Racism ran rampant, and the Klan were regular

You do realise this will not entail a significant change in lifestyle for many of the people participating…

I think the reason stupid white people recoil at the thought of white privilege is because they’ve squandered theirs. It’s easy to dismiss something that you never took advantage of as never existing, because then you don’t have to reflect upon yourself and your life choices.

EVERYONE has EQUAL opportunities to be something, do something, achieve greatness

And really shitty barbers. And Ray Lewis.

I gotta laugh at the dumbass Becky that claimed that Donald Trump is finally healing the racism caused by Obama. You cannot make this shit up.

Then this white lady (I won’t call her name)