
That comment is basically white people. Their empathy doesn’t extend 5 feet outside of themselves, so of course they’d be incapable of sacrifice for the greater good of everyone. All they care about is soothing their own souls (or the lack thereof). I don’t know if it’s more pathetic that this “person” said it

The real and moral victory is pretty damn sweet. I’m stoked for my fellow clueless crackers and for us all.

I can’t find the blog post to credit this idea (maybe someone can help me out- I think it was from very smart brothas) but it really summed up why “allies” rub everyone but themselves the wrong way: when you base your identity on being a “good” white person, you need “bad” white people to support that identity. You’re

you went there lmao

My favorite is “I know white people have privilege but I’m not giving it up.”

As a White Ally, I just want to say I’m thrilled we finally made it here - The ‘Big Show!’ We started out as a dark horse, but we silenced our critics by doing all the little things we needed to to win. We’re now in a position where we control our own destiny, and we can’t forget what got us here - being offensive

I’m assuming there will be a big lecture first about how you will need to clean up your own community before we will deign to help you. So stop arresting and sentencing your own community so harshly I guess? (I’m not sure how the logic on that actually works.)

A perfect example of why White Allies are the worst.

Lets see some White Allies people!

I wasn’t really surprised that DeVos be Dolezal. Rachel may be annoying but DeVos can affect actual policy. And she does so with disregard for folks of color, so...

they’ll just stop fighting because of our ungrateful asses.

lmao i wrote in “white allies on the root”

Thank you for giving a nice run down of the problem with White Allies. Because this has not been said about a hundred different times.

Going to the hospital can be a thing in and of itself. Many people feel embarrassed or ashamed at what has happened or are scared what the medical staff might think of them. So what happens is they just try to cope at home.

This well written and thought provoking. I loved the language about empathy and how societal attitudes sort of shape the way it can be extended or withheld.

Yeah the rape and abuse of young women is totally funny right?

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

Or how about, in the 1940's blacks start arming themselves.. so that by the 1950's lots of racial killings start happening - blacks killing whites, so that by the 1960's, there’s a full blown race war in the streets of america and by the 1970's shit has fully deteriorated and america is invaded by the brits again who

I’m confused by the notion of this show. Now, obviously this won’t be the most important issue related to the show, but I really wonder what sort of justification they’re going to give for slavery to survive the Industrial Revolution, and other technological advances. I mean, owning a bunch of human beings that have

Former first lady Michelle Obama