

Like this asshole:

I voted for White Allies because I’m waiting for Michael Harriot to write that piece. Also because I specifically had a few users in mind.

MAN you know I been on this shit for days now. White allies are fucking the votes up. This is a tournament for wypipo not the outwardly racist.

There will be a devastating flood of white tears from this, but I don’t even care. Between the “allies” coming after us for this and Justine Damond, they’re being pretty damn shitty to our faces. In a normal world (but toxic whiteness defies logic and normalcy), Flint Officials would win between the two. But

I hate the whole “They’re both equally racist! At least Trump is honest with his racism argument!” yeah. . . .no. White tears are annoying but I’d rather be annoyed than have my baby suffer brain damage from drinking lead tainted water. I might be an outlier here but I’m voting Flint officials.

I voted for White Allies 51% because I wanted to and 49% because I’m petty.

I thought white allies was going to lose to the Republican party. But now that they’ve made it another round after the fuckery that’s been in my inbox (including the fucking stalker who followed me for the sole purpose of replying to me after I made it clear that I had no interest in any conversation with it at all)

We all know that White Allies are gonna flood the vote for Flint Officials. Incidentally this just shows WHY they deserve to win.

Amazing how many times I’ve had to say this lately:

“But it’s in the song title...”
“I only say it to my black friend...”
“My girlfriend is black...”

As Hachi says..(never gets old) my dismiss button is on fire from the hot lonely tears of wypipo... sorry losers, you lose!

“’Imagine what would happen if a white man said that.’ I don’t have to imagine. I live in the brick-and-mortar reality of it.”

it’s in affective because there is no way a black person will ever be able to oppress you, you’ve never experienced oppression. I can point out that you have a tiny penis, though, and the truth of that will sting you.

Also, for the brackets, may I present this stolen beauty:

If there was a word that was as offensive to white people as the n word is to black people, Richard Pryor certainly would have thought of it and used it against Chevy Chase....

Will state again for all wypipo: You got free labor for hundreds of years, our folk built all your favorite institutions and monuments and your very gov buildings and houses; we fought and died in all your wars; you raped our mothers and daughters and thus helped create all our colors; you live in a society built on

This. Using a million words to explain why “it’s silly, it’s ineffetive, etc.” Basically saying, hey black people, don’t do this” without getting the irony of that act.

The greys are pretty funny this time around. Unintentionally as always but very funny. A whole lot of words announcing “Wypipo doesn’t bother me, that’s why I’m writing two paragraphs to explain why you’re wrong.

I am always astounded why there aren’t more white atheists. What the hell does a white man need a God for?