
If the article was contained with vs like Taylor Swift vs Gal Gadot. I would see your point and that wouldn’t be cool. But all of these are people who did racist things. Like we’re not allowed to make fun of neo nazis and kkk members? Does not compute.

Have you ever been to either of those sites? What kind of articles do you think they’ve been posting for the last eight years? Constructive criticism? Good God. But by all means please continue being “that guy”.

Being an R. Kelly fan is just as bad, if not worse, than being a Chris Brown fan.

You were in a car. They were walking.

Me so mourny.

Yes, Tipper Gore was just a tired ass, middle aged white woman trying to come up by criticizing black music. C. Deloris Tucker was an old black lady that many wrote off as being out of touch and a sell out. Despite this, the fact still remains that this music was destructive to “the culture” and black women in

Come one white people. You can’t just go out and harass POC and Muslims like that.

You have to join the police force first.

Damn this one hits hard. Used to work for a rap group in the late 90's early 2k’s and 2 Live Crew (minus Luke) opened for us and traveled alongside us all over the country. Ice was as humble and cool a dude as you would ever find. Just a really great guy. RIP my man, a true pioneer and good guy.

RIP Fresh Kid Ice, I hope Tipper Gore pays her respects because 2 Live Crew made her lame ass more famous than she ever had any right to be.

Mobb Deep and Prodigy in particular had a long history of beefs, including many with local people in that area. I wish that this article would have done more investigation into the possible sources of defacement.

I don’t see how these cops can sue for things that happened on the job. Their employer has insurance and programs to take care of injured workers.

This is great news. I literally go back and forth between the two sites . Two great tastes that taste great together .... I wrote “great” a lot , huh ?

:( im for it but not for this platform I hate this kinja mess i literally have gotten 3 replies approved since this kinja took over on the root.. it sucks..this will probably stay in gray too .. - Never Approved

OK, so this is home now. Hi everyone! And help get me out of the greys please!

It’s a conspiracy to keep me from ever leaving this site, isn’t it. If Gizmodo makes a deal with Luvvie, I’ll never have to go anywhere else.

For real, I squealed when I read this headline. I’m so excited!

That’s why it’s important to expose young children to lots of different activities when they’re young. I tried piano, swimming, gymnastics, soccer, baseball, track and field, guitar, etc.

This is one of his best albums, and really I think a testament to the belief that an artist does their best work when they are in the state of their worst emotional turmoil.