
Well, well. It looks like the lawyers may have gotten involved, because “What do you mean? We don’t sell vintage shirts!”

See, they could have just done that, they have enough following who would by a simple black t-shirt flocked with nicely curated pictures of them girls.

They should be good sisters and let Kim in on this too, Then they can do the right thing in saying who they are and use KKK.

Part of the problem with these PDs is that they aren’t being held to the same standards as larger PDs. For instance, in my own STL, the city and county cops are generally well-trained and don’t have many use-of-force incidents to begin with (the recent friendly fire incident notwithstanding). It’s the muni cops who

Just. Stop.

Yes, black people are just as much to blame for White Supremacy as, you know, the actual people who set up and continue to profit from it!

Part of the problem is the fact that universities are increasingly being run as businesses instead of learning institutions.

As someone who worked for a university (as the Director of Operations, no less!) I’m getting really, really sick of the university administrations out there that are allowing themselves to be cowed into submission when one of their black professors says something controversial.

You wypipo always appropriating black culture.

These same folk vote to give away billions to billionaires to build sports stadiums, where most of the revenue generated by said stadiums go back to the billionaires. So, the whites are very dumb with their money, their votes, and their “morality”.


Sure, that’s what it was. It’s not that racism is everywhere that I’ve experienced racism from strangers in a different country and have been called a nigger to my face multiple times for no reason over there. It must be me, that makes sense.

Thomas Jefferson had a Black girlfriend too.. Liking Black pussy doesn’t stop you from hating Black people

Newsflash: if interracial dating was the antidote to pervasive white racism towards blacks, the NFL would be a civil rights organiazation. If you’re dating a black woman, and have remained blind to or have refused to acknowledge white racism then you’re either delusional or willfully ignorant.

It’s a common tactic to silence marginalized voices on both ‘sides’ of the aisle: Any anger or frustration is chided as being ‘not constructive’ or ‘feeding the hatred’. The onus always falls on the oppressed to behave better...or else.

He also let out a known troll who soothed his feelings instead of recognizing where he went left.  So this guy is suspect until further notice.

Are you trying to conflate the system of white supremacy with the struggle of the black experience?

“Recognize my individuality from a group that I clearly see a problem with else I wouldn’t react so emotionally over the mere implication that everyone in that group is bad!”

Well apparently, you thought you could post about your relationship with a Black woman to prove your non-racist bona fides so there’s that.