
It’s just wild to me that someone who is supposed to be an artist can look at a work that they wish to adapt, come across what they see as a hurdle, and in response, just take that out like no on will notice. Just... what? Consultants are hired all the time for movies. Apparently, she didn’t believe that black women’s

Black people make up 13% of the population. That’s not taking out those too young to vote or who can’t due to voter restriction laws. You really are trying to conflate the 10% of a 13% minority with the 63% majority that is white non-hispanic people? When it came down to it, a super majority of black people who voted

Totally agree. If she was so worried about misinterpreting black women then she should have hired expert historians. That’s not uncommon for historical films and considering the box office stars in this movie I’m sure she had the budget to hire some. I don’t know anything about filmmaking but that came to me right

here’s the irony: i don’t think antebellum folk would have been so accepting of anyone with italian extract. so she’s pining for a time and place that wouldn’t have appreciated her anyway.

So by your math 10% of 13 percent (black people )of the electorate carries more weight than 53%of thirty percent ( white w omen ) as trump and the GOP has clearly shown that they care about women. Amirite!  

Thank god we have someone as progressive as you here to focus on the most important part of this topic, defending white women.

What is your fucking point really, black people must be perfect toe the line or shut up ? Over 96% of black women who voted, voted for Hilary and this includes those were behind Bernie or had mixed feelings about her or plain did not like her and the end of the day we put on our big girl panties and realized that

As Rainey said, I was with you to the end. This type of what you call generalization occurs all the time here because the writers at The Root know that all whites people (even white people who didn’t vote for that man) benefit from white supremacy. And even those who didn’t vote tend to be complacent. Wanting the

Initially I corrected that figure in my head, too, “53% percent of white women [who voted] voted for Trump”. But then I corrected myself. The white women who were eligible to vote, but didn’t, are complicit in the electing of our current admin. Therefore, the phrase is not inaccurate in the context of the article,

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

I was with you until that last paragraph. I get that white women don’t really like the reminder that when push comes to shove they’re not really as “enlightened” as they think they are and that they like to pretend that the problem of white supremacy isn’t just one of the chicks and side pieces of neo-nazis but is

“Is this another case of white mediocrity being seen as greatness?”

Way too many people (unfortunately, a number of Black people among them) consider the antebellum south some kind of romantic time past when they should be looking at all those fucking plantations as goddamn concentration camps. No one looks at Auschwitz and says “Oh I think I should have a wedding there it’s so

With a hint of “Well, actually...”

But instead, because she didn’t want to portray the protagonists of her “White [Girl] Power” film as slave owners or people who were a-okay with owning slaves, she opted to leave them out entirely.

Coppola continued. “I’ve always loved the women in the South, and the South in general; it’s so exotic and different.”

She’s never been shit. If she could stop worshipping at the altar of the white blond damsel in distress tho, that would help. Shit is sickening and annoying as fuck.

Passive whites don’t get a pass for white supremacy.
You can’t claim you aren’t part of the system when you enjoy all the benefits that system confers to you.

Yes. Yes she did.