
Wouldn’t this fall under attempting to intimidate a witness/obstruction of justice?

The average money paid out to a black family for the murder by cop of their kid/partner, etc., is ~$6m. Not sure why they didn’t get at least that.

Brown’s parents filed the lawsuit back in May 2015, claiming that a police culture of pervasive hostility toward African Americans led to the death of their 18-year-old son.

Just so I understand...The off duty cop is on the ground, surrounded by other police officers (which is maybe a little suspicious, but doesn’t scream racism yet). They eventually recognize him, and tell him to get up. At the same time, a rando cop arrives on the scene, see’s the off-duty cop up/getting up and shoots

“If black men behaved the way white men do with guns we’d have strict gun laws in a week.”

Young sounds like a real piece of shit.
I have questions: Was Flowers even the one panhandling?
Is the lesser charge tacked on there to give the jury a way out?

After crying 3 separate times over the Philando Castile case (not guilty, dashcam, his gfs daughter begging her mom to not get shot) I have nothing left. I’m emotionally numb to all this shit now, which is maybe a worse feeling than all the crying.

When I was in jail for a few days, the women talked about sexual assault and rape like it was just a fact of life. My bunkie, who is a Black lesbian, showed me pictures of her kids. She said as plain as day and without a hint despair, “These are my 2 rape babies.” like *that* was normal.

This would be an excellent way to ensure the timely dying off of a large percentage of GOP voters. I’m down.

Oh my gosh. Are you the male me? I find myself relating to much of what you write here. I’m so sorry that you were assaulted repeatedly. It’s heartbreaking that we live in a world that such a thing can happen in the first place. And where the kind of shame and pain the victims and survivors live with is far greater

ETA: I really think this piece sums up a lot of the reason why I have felt so enraged about this case and people’s reactions surrounding it. It feels like a magnification of every sexual assault and/or abuse survivors worst nightmares.

Yea it’s surprising what you find out when people talk because I don’ think statistics can ever paint the best picture.

It’s not talked about much but for the exact same reasons you listed Aliya, this is why, as a man, I never went to the authorities about my assaults.

You can’t “decline” white privilege. It’s part of society until white supremacy is no more.

Au contraire. That is constantly disputed. Just take a look at the greys on this article. Or the behavior of the people featured in the article.

You are inferring something that is not implied here.

We need to find out who’s ungreying all the assholes. I’m pretty sure it’s one person. Is there any way to see who is recommending them? Everything this troll says is straight out of the Trumpster fire (including the poor grammar).

Ha, ha. The MLK “I have a dream” reference is priceless.

I think you have that a bit wrong. We are not in a learning phase because Black people in this country have been talking about police abuse forever and white people have just ignored it under the excuse that if you had some contact with the police it’s because you deserved it. It is only now with internet and social