You’re right, must be nice to live in a world where you’re not automatically perceived to by angry, violent, uneducated, and unworthy of equal protection under the law.
You’re right, must be nice to live in a world where you’re not automatically perceived to by angry, violent, uneducated, and unworthy of equal protection under the law.
I’d put money on there being a juror or two who are saying “yes he raped women, but I don’t think he raped this particular woman in this case.”
One 10-year-old boy’s dream of saving the lives of children who may be left in hot cars has now become a reality…
I swear this would make such a good mini series on PBS. You better do some video man.
Reporter secret: Broken window. Stick camera through the broken window.
I had never heard of the “Negro Travelers’ Green Book”, but just I started reading “Lovecraft Country”, which features a fictionalized version of the book. I got interested and read through the Wikipedia page. And then this series pops up.
I am glad Jalopnik is carrying the Root now, I find many of the stories interesting and topical, looking forward to the rest of the series, good luck on your trip through history!
In b4 the tailpipe fuckers start in. People oughtta get over the horrid terror that comes from new ideas and read this series.
I really hope Constand gets justice and Cosby is convicted.
You better wipe that smile off your face, Camille.
I suspect he’s indeed an expert, in comforting his upset mother.
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
White people have been tripping extra hard this entire year
WTF is going on with white people in June????
and you black motherf*ckers who are still on that dark skin hate in 2017, GTFO with your silly asses.
After 37 years of flying, Capt. Louis Freeman is retiring his stripes. Freeman became Southwest Airlines’ first…
Phew, thank god we don’t have that accomplished gracious black lady deplaning Air Force One dressed in shorts, according to my conservative relative, that was directly a part of Obama humiliating us on the world’s stage. I’m not sure how this FOX News wet dream of a presidency ends, but it will be bizarre and awful…