
He told you, lady. He said say it “one mo’gin” and you did! I cackled when I saw it the first time and I cackled watching it now.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

I watched about 10 minutes of this show. Between Drake hitting on the host and the reaction from Nikki Minaj and the karaoke thing Lorde did, I came to the conclusion that on this, my birthday week, I’m old.

This needed to be bigger.

Hope is a dream, but I don’t sleep anymore.

You’re giving too much damn credit for working with new up and coming directors.

I was describing Lovecraft. I have a dozen citations ready to back up my use of the word, but I now have evidence you associate the use of big words with “commies”.

I don’t want to sound too cynical here but ... It’s not like he’s giving Jordan Peele a sorely needed hand up is it? Most successful debut movie in history, 2nd most successful horror movie of all time, the coveted 100% on Rotten Tomatoes etc etc. I’m relatively sure that this is less about Abrams doing charity work

Is it really that stunning that a man who ran his company with indifference to the rule of law, making decisions based on his “gut” rather than interest or knowledge. He filed bankruptcy 8 times without worrying about harm to others. Why does anyone expect that to suddenly change because an illegal conspiracy

What’s that sound? Is it the sound of victim blaming? And the silencing of the fact that women don’t always come forward out of fear of being called a liar?

“I don’t care if it’s a good guy or a bad guy—I will never allow that to happen again,” Perez told reporters.

Were they bad? I wouldn’t say so. Were they funny? Not really. Like some of the shit he says about trans people is just ignorant. Just a complete misunderstanding of things. Read a book Dave. There’s a rape joke he uses in a round about way to defend Bill Cosby which I thought was offensive on both ends. Offensive is

Any show that depends on the American public to vote for a winner is not going to go right for Black people. It just isn’t. White people will always choose white mediocrity or even white incompetence over Black excellence.

I won’t repeat what others have already said, and I’m sorry that you were bullied, but why did you feel the need to make this about you? What in your mind told you it was okay to take a story about an innocent black boy being bullied and say, “Well, I’m white, and black kids bullied me!” And? What the hell does that

Because this family is Black, the fine people of the internet are of course coming for them extra hard and blaming them. Most things I’ve read have said something along the lines of what made them think it would be a good idea to bring a cake on a plane, a few others have said that they mom was trying to store the

“Thing is you never hear bout it because white people are afraid of being called racist if they are victims of racism and speak about it.”

Yes, it’s amazing we can get through the day. I can’t tell you how many times I was turned down for a job, was paid less for the same work, and was shot with my hands up in the air.

Take your #wellactually bullshit somewhere else.

What you experienced is interpersonal racism which does exist but in the case of institutionalized racism there is an imbalance of power and I hardly think that if you had reported the matter to your school admin that they would have been dismissive or insistent on diminishing / ignoring your experiences, cuz if it’s

Of course, let’s make this all about you, typical.

What you’re doing right now is like trying to lecture in an economics class simply because you have $20 in your wallet. Your experience is your experience, but if you don’t know about the difference between prejudice and racism please don’t lecture and definitely please don’t assume that your experience is a