
You’re giving him too much credit. He is only out here for a a paycheck and some fame. This isn’t about gun restrictions, it’s about lining his pockets and he’s willing to throw us all under the bus to get the check.

She isn’t black. This is about black students.

Not to mention how disrespectful he was being. These dudes love to attack black women on social media but stay polite to other men.

He’s totally ignoring the fact that the NRA was silent on Philando Castile being a legal gun owner and STILL being shot by the police after telling them. Which is why I think this is more about a check than anything else. He’s always a puppet for white male interests, first with Bernie and class over race, now the NRA

the women who attacked her are also assclowns for assaulting someone when they could have ignored her and walked away

Yes, and calling racists racists is the REAL racism.

Why do ya’ll always try to say what would be “effective”? No one was trying to change her mind, just reminding her to STFU when nobody is talking to her.

Yep, the people who think families should be broken up, that other races should die or live miserably and that the rich should stay rich are deplorables. And deplorables are what got Trump elected, not calling them deplorables.

Wow, she is STUNNING!!!

You know I hear that “center mass” thing often... yet they always manage to get head shots. They aren’t aiming for center mass... unless you mean the center mass of the head of a black person.

You don’t follow.

LOL you clearly missed the Trans Wokebook wars of 2017. I’ll be going now.

Those things were things I was told by actual trans-women, but you “disagree” with it. There are plenty of trans women who don’t.

I disagree that calling women women is trans-exclusionary. I disagree that talking about uteri or vaginas is trans-exclusionary. I disagree that talking about pregnancy and birth is trans-exclusionary. It’s possible for people to talk about these things in a way that’s trans-exclusionary, but the conversation itself

You “disagree” that all of that stuff was addressed to me, so yeah, you’re disagreeing with my experiences. All trans people aren’t alike, just like all straight black women aren’t. But once again, this argument is exhausting and I really have more pressing issues than to be name called and threatened.

Ummm sweetie, thats what the ARTICLE that we’re participating in the comment section is about. Keep up.

Glad you got something out of the deal. ;-)

Whatever, I’ll be all of that. I’ve got more pressing issues.

And I didn’t say all trans people were anything. I’m clearly generalizing, just like this article is generalizing straight women. Funny though, you seem to have no problem with Khia’s ignorant, hateful ass being used as a generalization for straight black women.

Are YOU trans? Because I’m talking about what I’ve seen coming from ACTUAL TRANS WOMEN. You can’t “disagree” with my experiences, lol.