
Well considering black people still protect that one uncle who can’t be left alone with the girl children, you’re probably right. Because if asking them to feel empathy for the girls he abused isn’t enough, calling them trash definitely won’t do it either.

I still cringe at how much my teenage self loved that song. And how out of all the music my mother destroyed of mine (mostly rap), I was able to blast this song while cleaning the house/kitchen/my room on weekends. My mother had a RADAR for sick songs I had no business listening to but even this one flew under her

I hate ain’t shit niggas. These are the one’s who defend the R. Kelly’s, Bill Cosby’s and other abusers of black women of America.

As I posted on Son of Baldwin’s FB post about this, she explained why now in the article... which just means that niggas don’t read OR that “why now?!?” is the kneejerk reaction for ain’t shit niggas defending other ain’t shit niggas.

Woooooowwwww!!!!! LOL!

It’s really similar to these girls going to Howard’s campus with their crap. Or like that one guy in the video who took off his shirt when he started getting chased for being a Nazi... he said “I think its fun to be an asshole to people” or something like that. They enjoy trying to piss people off.

On Supernatural last season, the Devil’s vessel was destroyed so he kept occupying random people, which would ultimately lead to the gradual(and gross looking) disintegration of the vessel. Steve Bannon looks like his body is currently occupied by the Devil on Supernatural.

It doesn’t matter WHEN he wrote it. The fact that a prominent news publication felt it was appropriate to publish this problematic opinion piece at any time is the issue. That they still published it AFTER what happened this weekend is just gross.

This! Not one specific talk, but extensive lessons from ever since I can remember. Also just sitting around listening to THEM talking to each other... specifically my mom and aunts. I knew when I heard “white folks” and a certain tone of voice to tune in and listen.

Throughout this whole thing, I’ve steered my vote towards who could do the most harm to the most people... which is why I picked DeVos.

This just lets me know that THEY know that the bullshit they spit is offensive. I’ve always felt like conservatives were classic narcissists as a whole. They think the world and everything in it revolves around them and should cater to their needs. Once it doesn’t, they get violently offended.

Yaaaaassssss!!!!!! My job recently changed the firewalls and VSB was forbidden and NOW ITS BACK IN MY LUNCH LIFE!!!!!!

Those same Democratic candidates were distancing themselves from Pres Obama in every last one of those elections too. Which is why “those same people” didn’t show up.

You’re forgetting the part where that population gets disgusted and doesn’t show up... or can’t show up because of voter suppression.

The devil doesn’t need an advocate.

How’s that? They made them without knowledge from Biggie’s estate.

So your one time on a jury eradicates ALL other instances where race was considered by a mostly white jury? Wow.

I can say I don’t see them out harrassing people as much as I used to. I don’t know how much of that is reform or just knowing they’re being watched. That’s been the effect of the rebellion all over St. Louis County, not just Ferguson.

Yeah, it sounds like as soon as he saw she was black, he was going to find ANY excuse to “take her down a peg.” He resented that a black woman lived in such an exclusive neighborhood while he has to make it work on a cop’s salary.

I flagged every last one of it’s comments. Hate speech...