We had a rough Sunday... I hope they listen.
We had a rough Sunday... I hope they listen.
But that’s not true. This cop deemed Jordan Edwards and the people in their car guilty and shot at them.
Exactly.... when I saw last week that they told her that her moves were “too perfect” as an actual CRITIQUE, I knew this was going to happen. Then the “why aren’t you smiling” because white people can’t stand it when you aren’t skinning and grinning... whiteness wins again.
“This bih really made millions off of Black people and could give a fuck less about them or hip hop now that she got paid.”
But it didn’t apply to Jordan Edwards (lets use his readily available name) because the vehicle he was in was shot into by a cop. So clearly “innocent until proven guilty” didn’t apply here.
YES!!! “Daddy’s trippin” and when the mommy said “whoa, you’re kind of heavy handed” and the baby said “no”... my heart and laughs runneth over!
I watched this SO many times over the weekend. And it hit my heart extra hard because I used to have similar “girl talks” with my baby sister when she was this age (we’re 16 years apart) and she just had a baby this weekend.
You know who WASN’T innocent until proven guilty? This 15 year old boy and the car full of kids. You’re not using that phrase for the murder of this child by the police, but you think it’s somehow fitting for the cop who actually shot into a car full of kids. Wow.
In black communities, police do more harm than good.
Yes, I agree and I love her so much! I think the show is confirmed. Can’t wait to watch.
LOL! I went “Terrance Howard, right. NO? Oh, well he looks like he beats women too.”
And they BOTH hail from St. Louis... Queens of Reads!
White women treat black women similarly.
But he didn’t rob the store. The store never even called the police. The week they released that video, Chief Belmar SAID that Wilson didn’t know anything about the robbery.
Exactly. And what always gets brushed over is the “anti-blackness” that is white feminism. It’s why Jez can post an interview of some random promoting her book who says feminism is crap, but when asked about intersectionality, she defers and brings up Beyonce and says the constant white criticism of her is about…
Yeah, voting for a racist makes the voter a racist. Just like voting for the black man doesn’t make you any less racist than if you have “black friends” or a black mate. Why is this so hard for some of you to understand? If you vote for a racist whose primary stated objectives were to dismantle any progress made for…
Exactly. These lily whites clutching their pearls irk so badly.
Clearly you’re not a true hiphop fan. This is hiphop. And yes, we’ve minimized all the male rap beefs as beefing. Nicki’s ex was just in one with Drake, but I guess that was ok because he’s a light skinned Canadian. LOL!
Glad to know I’m not the only one who was irked by her character.
YES!!!!! And I loved the way the outfits would somehow punctuate and become a part of whoever she was going off on at the time, lol. Like she’d sit on the desk posing and building up to her point, then get up and make her last zinger while accentuating the outfit.