
And being burned to a crisp isn’t permanent harm? The fact that this type of comment is made makes me weep for the future. Life is risky and no amount of laws and lawsuits will change that. In times of need and and all help should be welcome.

The left has completely destroyed the meaning and purpose being having both safe spaces and trigger warning, then of course complain when some place like the U of Chicago decide they won’t go with that anymore.

He could always sign a one year deal to go back to Ohio State.

Do you mean AA?

Yeah, a child in danger is just one of those things you let play out.

I’m not sure how you could possibly think that, unless you’re willfully ignoring things. Two mins of googling produces this:

As far as I’m aware, Caster’s testosterone level is three times that of the average woman. If you’re going to allow her to race against women without taking any hormone blockers, what’s the point in separating sport by sex in the first place?

Genuine question, do you think that boys can be both raised to respect all women and be raised on porn at the same time?

Happy meals and fast food is fine. As long as you do it in moderation, exercise, and make sure the rest of your meals are nutritional.

Seems like this was meant to deal with one of those three things. Why are pretentious liberal arts majors complaining?

They stopped testing chromosomes because there are XY women who are unfairly screened out by that test.

Don’t most schools have “personal finance” classes for exactly this?

The struggle is real. Wide feet are a curse.

You’re a fucking idiot with no idea about the makings of modern journalism. That story got more eyeballs with the mention of the Bears than it would have otherwise. It would have never been in the Chicago Tribune if she hadn't been married to a Bear. And finally, writers rarely, if ever, write the headlines that

honestly it’s not good for the men either. except for a very select few, the rest are usually hungry and used by the prophet too. the cult is bad for everyone

Gas, brake, honk. Sack, pick, sack. Honk, honk, punch

Not true, you could put your vote to good use and vote Gary Johnson. Only one on the ballot who shares values across both camps. He and his running mate Bill Weld ran as Republicans in the 90s in Liberal states and won, twice.

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Fuck those ‘doctors’ and their fucking frivolous process-is-the-punishment lawfare bullshit. If what these guys are doing isn’t against the law, then too fucking bad.

To be honest I wish they would charge more.

While I agree with the thrust of your argument, the term "victim blaming" is somewhat circular in this context in that it presupposes a crime, no?