
I’m 100% sure script blockers are popular for exactly this reason.

I don’t know why you’d bring microtransactions in to this. They don’t need to connect a browser to microtransactions, because they have your literal account that is playing the game to connect to microtransactions.

The fact it took outrage to get companies to remove SPYWARE from their products.

I thought white people were evil.

You SAY that you agree different games can exist for different people.

Whether he was honest or not, you’d still complain and decry sexism or whatever.

That’s a good point, but I don’t think everyone is comfortable admitting something like that when confronted by a militant female reporter like Cecilia. Especially in the west where we still glorify violence but show some nudity and everyone loses their mind. Let’s be honest, even if he had admitted it Cecilia would

Harris thinks being woke will get him pussy; Harris is an idiot.

I gotta be honest here, I wonder if the first post with ‘George’ is a troll. The person literally described this Dakimakura image. Like, TO THE LETTER. Like, there’s ‘fitting the stereotype’ and then ‘just using the stereotype in a story’ you know?

Now to be fair, the Affiliate program has nto actually been around for 4 years, so I was counting since I started streaming but a better way to put that would have been something like “Oh that seems like a long time, what’s your channel.”

That jingoistic attitude is what generally keeps me away from Twitch entirely. So many people treat it with almost a cult-like reverence. This company is owned by Amazon, one of the largest and most profitable corporations on the planet. You guys aren’t the upstart challenging the man. You are the man, and everyone

This is shovel envy, nothing more. Yeah, it sucks that people had to work hard to get bonuses, but that’s because Twitch had a really high barrier to entry. This isn’t anything other than gatekeeping + “Hey, I worked hard for this, so you should have to too, even though it’s an arbitrary difficulty!”

White, straight men are not permitted to explore social commentary in their work. Same exact game with a black female director would have been received differently.

Never underestimate the enmity of those for which outrage is a pastime. -Josephine Montilyet

I know right? All they did was settle every first world nation that people the world over can’t stop bitching about, yet can’t stop immigrating to.

Quite normal on sites like these

Me too. It’s even weirder when written by what appears to be a white man. Not sure why we have to be racist in our articles? Just say, 17th-century imperialists have problems.

I can TASTE the disdain for White Men in your article title.

Dammit, I thought I was gonna get a Brotherhood of the Wolf game.

If someone would screw incels that would solve a lot of problems, actually...