
You wouldn’t bet your life on it. I get it. But it is not like veritas explains what people are saying or putting their own commentary behind it like you see in investigations the main stream media puts together. It’s inherently raw.

Proven time and time again CNN lies.

I provide for myself. I am not a loser who asks for handouts.

You shouldn’t trust him. But the question is whether you should trust the footage he collects. These are real confessions by real people.

HR exists to identify you as a subversive element to be removed. Big brother is watching.

Lol, don’t bring up wikileaks here. Everyone loved Assange when he was exposing horrors of Afghanistan and Iraq, but holy shit did things take a turn for his popularity when he released DNC emails.

Why is being personally responsible for your own well being so frightening to you? Are you that big of a fucking loser?

Does the capitalist “divide and conquer” strategy still surprise anyone? It does? Really? After 500 years of this?

There’s that leftist tolerance we are always hearing about!

So the value of the information is thrown away or overlooked because you dont like the methods used to obtain it? Do you regard undercover police, DEA agents, and the CIA in the same manner? I couldnt care less how the info is obtained so long as it is factual.

Besides... you know, FUN?

The only issue with Anime and why it still has bad rep is because for every good Anime series, there’s about 20+ others that are just bland, generic looking and straight up bad.

Go wack off to tentacle porn.

Yeah the stigma is still there, I know many of women at work who have seen guys with anime figures in their house and ran the other way. It dose not help that things like Love pillows and boob mouse pads of anime girls exist. They all automatically assume that you wack off to tentacle porn. It sucks but what can you

I’m thrilled they’re continuing with support for the single player roguelike mode. It’s what I play most when I boot up Hearthstone now. I hope it will remain free, but if not I’d probably shell out some bucks.

OP’s name is Wandering Ronin...

would be easier if 95% of anime production these days wasn’t complete crap.

While it’s true that anime is a lot more widely accepted in small doses in American fandom, being an anime-focused otaku into all kinds of anime is still pretty rare.

Counterpoint: Anime was a mistake. :P

At the beginning we were using latex protection but she has always hated them (which to be fair, same) stating that “they make my vagina hurt,”, and “you are too large already.”