is ok to fat shame someone who is a complete dick... in fact, as a fat guy, i encourage it... poeple like this give fat nerds a bad name
is ok to fat shame someone who is a complete dick... in fact, as a fat guy, i encourage it... poeple like this give fat nerds a bad name
“Rush Limbaugh, a man who hasn’t seen his own dick in 20 years...”
Did he pick his jersey size cause whoever did deserves equal repudiation. If it wasn’t a sausage casing we might choose to mock his choice in vernacular and hair styling.
This guy has probably hated himself his whole life
Ah, fat-shaming. The completely acceptable, family-friendly alternative to homophobia.
This guy looks like a pudgy, male Amy Schumer.
I’m just saying, I don’t think “Nice boobs! Here’s $100! Wait, how dare you use your boobs to trick me into giving you $100???” is a thing people do. You made it sound like these people were somehow a source of criticism. I was reacting to that.
I’m with you about the whiners who complain about her stream, but your argument about her success is something I’d expect from someone far less intelligent than you.
“1.) It may well not be her cleavage that makes her successful.”
Kaceytron isn’t going to have sex with you.
Most of the OWL skins are meh, so I don’t think I’ll even use the bandwidth. Now it it was coins to use on regular skins, sure, but not OWL skins.
They are going to head a new studio that only develops loot boxes.
Literally one dude that made that and so now it is a big deal. Ugh. Just because the internet gives douchebags a megaphone doesn’t mean we have to pay attention to them.
Ahh, broad brush-strokes, I knew we hadn’t seen the last of you!
Alright, how about this then. Rey’s a freaking bad character and would be a bad character even if she was male. Her personality is bland, her backstory is essentially nonexistent, and she goes from nobody to complete bad-ass in essentially zero time with…
I guess the moral of this is that if you criticize any plot point involving a woman, you are sexist. I learn something new everyday.
collection of knives/swords.
*Teleports behind you*
Calling someone a troll and telling them to read a non specific book is not really an endearing strategy at spreading any kind of knowledge, so maybe chill? And as somebody who has barely ever heard the terms “coded queer” I can confirm that this article makes no sense to somebody who is not already of this mindset.…
Okay. Seriously with this.
Then maybe the article title should be “Thor: Ragnarok’s Hela Is advertently Marvel’s First Coded Queer” for people like me too dense or uncaring enough to parse millenial-SJW-speak. Ha!