
That is why I said, if you don’t think its harmless there is something wrong with them.

Well said. The problem isn’t so much that retro-inspired games exist, it’s that EVERY OTHER GAME THAT COMES OUT involves pixel art in some way, and the market is starting to get oversaturated.

Bullshit. Tell that to Yacht Ub Games. Or the team who did Axiom Verge. There is money in retro it’s just that most devs think they can slap together some garbage game with lazy pixel art graphics and make money. You actually have to put effort into it. Retro has become the new zombies a trope used by lazy devs who

The people that say that the game is p2w recognize what p2w means. If people who spend more have an advantage over people that don’t, then the game is p2w.

P2w implies that paying players have an advantage, either through more powerful stats or access to more combinations.

I don’t know how people deny that it is pay2win. Even if, technically, you can unlock everything without paying, there is a massive, monstrous time commitment to do so which can be bypassed by dropping $.

when you can drop a legendary that recovers all your health or unlimited fireballs.....if you spend enough money or grind for hours

I wish I liked Hearthstone more. It’s incredibly frustrating how pay to win the game can be. Getting a player down to 1 health with a budget deck, then having them pull out some Legendary win condition they spent ~30 bucks to craft, is unbelievably rage inducing.

My logic is sound. You literally don’t know what censorship is. Get educated. Stop trying to debate something you don’t fully understand and are confusing with other issues. (First Amendment and other “free” speech issues)

lol, censorship is NOT! just about government censorship. Censorship in of itself is not illegal, which is what you may be trying to say. Government censorship is mostly*** illegal but there are literally thousands of exceptions from wartime rules, peacetime rules and varying degrees of “security” related issues to

I feel exactly the same as the OP here, and I find that Kotaku doesn’t push the nerddom envelope enough to bother me. It is funny that his opinion on the subject seems to be the nails on the chalkboard to you though.

I wouldn’t even say homages - subconscious influences at most.

Look, I think Japanese animation is mostly abysmal gutter trash, but there’s only so many ways you can film a sequence in a way that looks good and fits the story.

If they went further back, they’d probably find those exact same scenes in early shows/movies.

“Some” Hardcore Destiny players will get Emblems in Destiny 2. If you were ‘hardcore’ enough to BUY the game on two systems, you won’t get overall credit, even though Bungie.net can track what your BNet account has achieved.

Hardcore Destiny Players MAY Get Emblems in Destiny 2.

FTFY. Lots of people didn’t receive their emblems for forum participation(myself included). Bungies response after only a few days after Destiny launched was “It’s impossible to fix”. Really? So some people got them, some didn’t, and you have no idea how to fix

Hardcore Players: Unless you play PC, in which case your past Destiny accomplishments are meaningless ‘cause you don’t get jack. Woo!

“music video and gallery shot by Mineralblu.”

Here’s the thing about sexy cosplay that I’m 100% certain Luke is aware of:

eSports Illustrated

Only conventially attractive cosplayers allowed apparently. Guess my fat ass isnt invited

i.hate.free.to.play. $9000 dollars???? $9000 fucking dollars? it is no wonder the big boys are licking their chomps over that shit genre as their earnings are potentially limitless. whoever came up with f2p needs to be hung up by their balls, doused in liquid nitrogen and then smashed with a fucking hammer. no