
I think cosplay has gotten mainstream enough that it’s went from more of a “I love this character/series!” to “Look at me! Look how sexy I am!”, but overall I can see the appeal of it. I would be lying if I said I’d never thought about cosplaying, but with that said, these cosplay videos are some of the cringiest

You can walk to Mexico for free. Or are you just talking shit without any intention to back it up? Because if you really wanted to leave then you’d be gone. What you want is to live the same cushy lifestyle you have in the U.S., but somewhere else.

I’m so glad they stuck with the tried and true MOST UNREALISTIC GOD DAMN CONVERSATIONS EVER for this video game trailer.

“I’m still finalizing my stream schedule. I usually stream for about 6-9 hours.”

Not diggin any of these. Didn’t dig the uprising skins either. They just look too plain or uninteresting compared to the ones from xmas/halloween or even launch.

Right well Devi is also not real, so in that regard, it makes sense that they depict her in a video game about people that are also not real.

A lot of people care. A lot of people that aren’t facing any sort of real hardship or trials in their real lives, because if they were they wouldn’t have time for this trivial bullshit.

You’re right, we should care whether people get offended, so we know who to tell “I don’t give a fuck what offends you.” There are some real issues in this world, and a god damn video character dressing like a native American isn’t one of them.

Or you could like, not get offended by everything under the fucking sun, tough choice I know

For what it’s worth, I don’t believe I understand at all, and never will. I also don’t care when you take a shitty attitude like you are. Keep livin’ the victim complex dawg.

If Trump discovered the cure for cancer tomorrow and gave it away to the world for free the Press would demonize him for not doing it sooner. I do think Trump is an idiot, but I’d rather go down with the ship by supporting him than for one second act as if the word of the press is unbiased or trustworthy.

Hey pal, gtfo of here with your ‘due diligence’. Due diligence doesn’t bring in ratings and it definitely doesn’t hashtag resist fascism.

Some things just aren’t understandable by logic. Why do poor and middle class Americans vote Republican when the Republicans have never been on their side or worked for them? Why do minorities continue to vote Democrat when the Democrats only pay them lip service for their votes without actually improving their

There’s a lack of sympathy for Israel because most Democrats aren’t living in a world surrounded by enemies calling for their deaths and the eradication of their entire race of people. The Democrat argument seems to boil down to “Ok sure all of the Palestinians want you dead, but you have better technology so it’s

Borderlands was great. Borderlands 2 was great. HL:OpFor was great. I hear BiA is great, and I hear Homeworld Ruins of Kranak is great. I’d say they’re probably sitting around 50/50 great/flop rate.

Are you referring to Cayde? As in “I only have one mode which is class clown” Cayde? Because I kind of can’t stand Cayde. The humor was a nice addition when TTK came out, but it got old real fast.

There are tactics though. It’s not like the red pill and pua communities just pull this shit out of their asses. A lot of these tactics are based on observable behavior whether you like it or not. The problem is that some of us are just terrible people so “be yourself” isn’t really good advice. At least not if

I really hate the “nice guy” hate. Almost every man has, at some point in his life, gone through a “nice guy” phase. It’s not entirely our fault either, because this is how society has conditioned us. Growing up, all we were ever shown in the media we consumed was the hero getting the girl solely for saving her/the

I never liked Funko figures, but I signed up for a Marvel collector’s box subscription and it turns out it’s produced by Funko. So now I have the most impressive Funko collection of anyone I know, and I absolutely don’t care about them at all. I really should have cancelled that subscription earlier, but I’m soooo