
This guy. This guy gets it. You also say it a lot nicer than I would.

You realize that sums up just about every person who’s done anything of note, right? Almost everything remarkable that’s every happened has been a case of right place right time.

Bendis can fuck right off for his gaywashing of Iceman. He was a character that a lot of people liked and could relate too, then Bendis had to do his usual Bendis routine of hamfisting social justice into everything he touches and boom, now Iceman’s gay. Bendis is a fucking hack.

All I saw was a video of a hell of a lot of luck.

You can knock pussies and tattoos and whatever the fuck, but you leave beer alone. Craft, homemade, brand name, whatever it is, beer only brings joy to life so you need to step down.

I bet you’re the same kind of person that believe Kaepernick is a hero for voicing his opinion and using his freedom of speech, and yet here you are saying that Trump voters don’t deserve that very same right. How progressive of you. Twat.

Why would you click ‘overSNATCH’ at work?

Hey, I think faggot immigrants should be deported. It’s cool though, I don’t REALLY mean it, I’m just trolling rednecks, so I’m gonna keep saying it. Just trolling bro.

The problem with Diablo 3 isn’t that we fought Diablo again. It’s problems go way beyond that. Also, the story for WoD was horseshit before it even started, and as soon as he mentioned some shit about alternate reality someone should have stood up and said “That is fucking stupid, boss.”

Stopped reading as soon as I saw Halo ranked above Half-life. An argument can be made for Doom, but Halo...gtfo.

Black guy resorts to violence when he doesn’t get his way. Shocker. How is this a news article?

Not even close. Being a hypocrite would be if he went and shot everyone that didn’t stand for the anthem. Calling those people pieces of shit doesn’t make him a hypocrite at all.

Too little too late.

I bet gaming ‘journalism’ sites love this ARG. They can keep pumping out articles about nothing and speculating over what could be anything for weeks and weeks just like a real news station.

He’s talented in the sense that he’s found a way to bilk money from retards without ever having to leave his house.

This display definitely has something moving.

Korean cheats at multiplayer game. Shocking.

Dr. Nerdlove lives in a fantasy world and all of his suggestions just re-inforce behavior that makes men weaker. Ex: most of the ‘men’ that post on Kotaku.

Nah fam, you need the reality check. Hateful not so much, but dismissive is dead on. And it only works if you’re attractive. He covered all of that, and all of it is true. So back to Camelot with you, Galahad.