And yet most people in congress have higher accountants to ensure they don’t pay any taxes. I’m glad you’re no longer having to dread, and hopefully America doesn’t let Trump in the white house so that some progress can be made.
And yet most people in congress have higher accountants to ensure they don’t pay any taxes. I’m glad you’re no longer having to dread, and hopefully America doesn’t let Trump in the white house so that some progress can be made.
I know a woman who was brought here illegally as a toddler. She didn’t know until she was a senior in college. She is in her 30s and trying to get some kind of citizenship, and shit like this makes it impossible for her. She has never been to the country of her birth and was abused and moved around a lot while growing…
And that they want to enter legally, but what most americans dont know is that it is harder for people from several countries to get a visa, it is harder for a person from El Salvador to enter legally than for someone from Norway. And it is better for employers that way many times
Yeah, I think he came here illegally first and now that he has a stable job he's trying to get legitimate.
Unless they’re Muslim.
Specifically, he will not be able to collect social security for those years of work. A lot of money goes into the social security fund by people working on bad/fake SSNs that will never be paid back out to those people.
“He cannot rewrite the law”
“At this rate, we’ll be looking at amnesty for 48M in 2046.”
i mean, she was good in sisterhood of the traveling pants.
America Ferrera and Amber Tamblyn. Or is it Alexis Bledel and Amber Tamblyn? Not sure.
Undocumented immigrants aren’t eligible for Social Security, Medicaid, etc., and they pay taxes – they have no choice with respect to payroll deductions, sales taxes, etc., and without a SSN they can’t even collect an income tax refund. So, they actually pay way more into the system than citizens do.
By “better photo” she means....???
Anyone so worked up about what asses Sir Mix-a-Lot was referring to really needs to get off the internet for a while.
Right! Or when Khloe Kardashian says the exact same thing and *isn’t* called out at all?!
I don’t think it’s the most integrated city in the country (I would certainly hope not) but it can be a great place to live if you have enough money to deal with the ever rising housing costs. Great lake, great food, Boots Riley and sunshine.
That was full on Momma Eagle Death Mode. Like seriously my siblings and I know better than to tell my mom ANYTHING on how she handles our siblings.
Kris is smarter than all of her kids combined.
Kris telling Kim, “You were married for 72 days, that was like normal!” is the best thing I have heard all week.