Water is toxic at the right level. The dose makes the poison. Confirming the migration level to the food is not bickering, it’s part of the minimal understanding of this topic.
Water is toxic at the right level. The dose makes the poison. Confirming the migration level to the food is not bickering, it’s part of the minimal understanding of this topic.
“PFAS-treated paper food packaging and wrappers can contaminate food that touches them
Testing showed toxic PFAS substances—man-made perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals—in Burger King’s packaging for Whoppers, chicken nuggets, and cookies; in the paper bags at Wendy’s; and in wrappers for McDonald’s Big Mac, french fries, and cookies.
So, you are saying that eating food from places like Burger King, Wendy’s, or McDonalds might not be healthy?
why is he charging money for this when you can get the exact same experience by knocking down the funko pop shelf at your local hot topic for free?
It was absolutely a war of territory by any definition. Two tribes of highly intelligent apes were entirely wiped out and they often used tools, cudgels and rocks, to do so. I’m also not sure what you’re talking about. The myth that higher mammals, particularly apes and cetaceans, are perfectly peaceful is still…
Yeah, I’m pretty sure this guy is unaware of what it actually means considering his store carries all sorts of processed foods.
That’s way too rational of a thought process in these situations.
“How can I get these plates from @Macys banned in all 50 states.”
How about, if you don’t like them don’t buy them?
Didn’t happen. The case this rumor came from involved someone who discovered the seed as an outlier in his crop and specifically focused cultivation on it over several years, each year isolating the portion that was the Monsanto engineered seed and replacing as much of his next crop with it as possible until its was…
EPA, a government agency using science: “Glyphosate is not a carcinogen.”
I don’t believe it was ever said in court. It was in a PR interview, and was dumb.
Whether or not something causes cancer is an extremely complicated question that I don’t think jurors are well situated to decide. I don’t think courts are a great place to decide science.
Your comment is the perfect encapsulation of anti-Monsanto rhetoric. You repeat a vague, mostly false claim that you admit you don’t actually know about. Why?
I don’t think juries should be deciding whether Roundup is a carcinogen. And what am I supposed to conclude from the fact that a lawyer won’t drink Roundup?
That seems like an awful lot of work. I generally find that just telling people to ‘Kneel’ cuts through a lot of the noise.