When even the other Kinja pages won’t publish a junk piece on ten-year-old soda names that you don’t find funny...
If you ate enough food quickly enough to get to a toxic amount of glyphosate, you’d probably have bigger problems on your hands.
And see the excellent and detailed post made by another user for a debunking of the generic “But won’t anyone think of the cancer!” concerns. Bottom line: the author of this piece knows…
Well, since glyphosate isn’t poisonous in the trace quantities that are being discussed, that’s not much of an issue. And I have no idea why you think eating organic would do anything to help your ridiculous paranoia. Organic crops are treated with more pesticides/herbicides than conventionally farmed crops. But they…
Yeah, a sketch lampooning pork-barrel ministry spending in England was totally apolitical. Thank Odin you’re too smart for physical comedy.
What happened to the writing on this site? Are you all being paid to act like you’re idiots who haven’t written lengthy think-pieces on Juggalos for the past few years?
Seriously, what the fuck? I come to this site for quality content, not a regurgitation of whatever bullshit clickbait Buzzfeed didn’t think was worth…
Literally everyone who actually understands food production and labeling (read: everyone who hasn’t been wasting their money on organic or “non-GMO” produce) knew this.
I remember when the AV Club and its associated publications used to not mimic all the other clickbaity bullshit that was happening online. Guess that buyout really did a number on the integrity of the site, huh?
Why do Cline fans feel the need to constantly defend his shit writing? Just accept that you have horrible taste and revel in it. You don’t see teenage girls pretending that they like “Twilight” for its transcendent prose.
Not a data breach. That implies that someone surreptitiously snuck in and did something unintended with Facebook’s closely protected data.
Literally everything that happened with Cambridge Analytica was done through the same channels that everyone has been using to mine data from Facebook for years. No one was hacked.…
Yeah! Ew! Everyone knows that a 21-year-old can’t possibly be in a relationship. Especially if her partner is older. Then they’ve already unlocked that magic compulsion spells that are only available once you hit 40.
Why do people keep characterizing this as YA? Cline clearly didn’t think he was writing YA, and that’s not the intended audience.
I agree that the book reads like it was written by a child with a very loose understanding of how to form sentences, but that doesn’t make it YA.
Yes. If Ernest Cline were a good writer with half a brain, then he would have written a good book. But he isn’t, and he didn’t.
I didn’t say it was to blame for gamergate. I said that the book celebrates that culture of misogyny and general asshattery.
I wouldn’t classify the book’s nostalgia as “cynical.” I’d classify it as pandering and dumb, but not cynical. The guy clearly believed he was writing something worth reading, but he’s just got remarkably bad taste.
You’re giving the author wayyyyyy too much credit. The book is written without a trace of irony or critical thought.
Shhh... let people point out that a badly written book unironically celebrating all the bullshit “culture” that led to gamergate is a bad thing.
No. They really weren’t. Because even in the golden age of the morality police (which totally isn’t you—you’re a rational human being who wants to protect people from themselves, not at all like the comics code enforcers of yesteryear), no one actually believed that children would try to imitate the violence they saw…
I absolutely guarantee that Chuck Jones & Co. were not thinking about the relative difficulty of imitating anvil-based violence when they were animating those cartoons.