
sorry, I had to remake it

I spend way too much time on making images for these posts. But I like to have fun too. 

you put the reflection

Some people took issue with the game’s portrayal of cops and Spider-Man’s relationship to them. Kotaku’s Heather Alexandra critiqued the game’s black and white approach to law enforcement as predominantly unimpeachable good guys and criminals as violent anarchists, but she wasn’t alone. The Ringer, Deadspin, and Dot

I can’t believe I forgot how great that game was. Yes, the intro. But the gameplay for me was just fantastic. Switching back and forth between the two planes... defeating bosses and absorbing their powers... learning new skills... just so much fun.

I was seventeen when this game came out, and right in that self-involved headspace that made me think, “Raziel’s right, man; the world just doesn’t understand him! And FUCK Kain, man! Can’t stand letting his ‘son’ surpass him!”

...it didn’t take long after that for me to think, “Y’know, ol’ Raz has his head up his ass

Man, this intro is so powerful. As with you, It drew me right into the game’s world. I never had the chance to play Blood Omen, but it was nice to hear about the previous story without knowing it. It felt like an ancient history just like it should be.

Majima is the new Mario

I don’t know if this counts for the contest, because it’s not from a fighting game, but I felt this was a Yakuza crossover that might plausibly happen, even if Kiryu never makes it into Tekken:

Very, very cool to get the actual story behind the photo. I’ve definitely seen it bandied about here and there over the years, and while my friends and I did a great many things with duct tape in the 90's as teenagers—particularly on marching band trips—none of us ever tried taping someone to an i-beam for a LAN party.