
I knew it. I went out of the theater with the same impression with which I went out of Kingdom of Heaven: a wonderful film that had seen 45 minutes of its footage removed in the editing room. Can’t wait for the Director’s Cut.

From what I have gathered, the studio thought Jones’ 160+ minute film was too long, so they forced him to cut about 40 minutes out. If that’s true, they were then forced to keep only the best scenes that told the most coherent story possible using the footage from the script they had planned for 3 years. The end

We will see in June, can't wait for you to eat your shoe.

I think you mean Garona? You must not have a brain. Strizo’s favorite movie was probably Dragonball Evolution. Cant wait for the general public to prove you so wrong. Hate all you want and I hope you don’t see the movie, would be a waste of anyones time trying to please you.

yeah, came here to say this: advance word from critics who know nothing about Warcraft have been extremely positive.

Plot twist:

She is not actually half orc half human. It was a nick name given to her because they think that she was half orc half human, but it will turnout otherwise.

Fingers crossed! Biggest thing: I just hope it’s fun!

I hope you are right. I am still waiting for the release to pass judgement. I do still play WoW, just am not as hardcore as I was a couple xpacs ago. I am excited about the movie

Nope. It’s getting stellar reviews from people who have seen it. It’s not going to open huge but it’s going to do extremely well given little real competition in the market over the following few weeks.

Haters gonna hate and all that stuff.