Speed gets taken for granted until you really, really need it.
Speed gets taken for granted until you really, really need it.
+$25,000 contribution to the Donny Fund.
There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.
I know the title was supposed to be ambiguous and all, but I saw “Sweet Double Play” and immediately knew this wasn’t about the Mets.
Oh great, now Durant is going to jump ship and join Bud Light this offseason.
baseball is a regional sport? maybe if you consider Earth as a region? i believe baseball stretches through many more countries and communities around the world than american football does
“They should trade Thompson, Smith, Shumpert and picks to Brooklyn and then sign Blake Griffin and Chris Paul.. they can do it it Lebron takes a pay cut”
If Lebron thought it was hard to be #1/the face of the league/etc before, imagine how he’s going to feel when the “he should play for free so the Cavs can sign ______” takes start flowing.
If a ballplayer goes 5 for 5 with 4 homers and 10 runs batted in while wearing camouflage making it impossible for both the opposition and the crowd in attendance to see him did it really happen?
This has got to really piss Brandon Phillips off.
You are including a former secretary of state (Kissinger) as a heinous war criminals and terrorists?
“People become well-known on campus as memelords,”
In my one year of organized baseball, when I was ten years old, I had a moment very much like this. It was the closest I ever got to a noteworthy play. Other highlights included:
Is negging still a thing? I thought People Who Annoy You like that disappeared like eight years ago.
You take your star and you go home to think about what you’ve done.
More raisist than sexist but whatever.
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?