
Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

Hmm? What are you seeing?

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

It’s not. Blizz just pulled a Native American trade deal on this selfish idiot.

Musk loves space and in the face of an administration that looks to be trying to appease the corporations that support them this is a smart move. Musk may not agree with Trump and co but by allying himself with them until a better alternative comes along he can avoid the Government trying to meddle in his aerospace

You are saying it like politicians are good at politics.

People know that Google Play Store and Amazon’s App Store have scammy apps so they tend to be more careful there. Because it’s harder to get stuff into the Apple app store many people assume all the stuff there is safe. This is simply a reminder it isn’t.

I once downloaded Office from the Mac App Store, then someone stole it from me. If you are the one who stole it I will find you. You have my Word.

Domino’s isn’t my favorite pizza, but i still find it odd this whole article was about lambasting it in an attempt at humor. The drone stuff would of held on its own. What are you, a secret papa johns pr person? Or do you buy fancy $7 dollar slices that you unioned bloggers probably think is a bargain?

I actually prefer them. Seeing cops in uniforms bums me out (but I for sure want them to be identifiable).

OI! Wuts rong wit me akcent luv?

A million times, this. If we didn’t have phones and cloud streaming/storage, we wouldn’t know about these incidents, and the narrative would come entirely from the police rather than the innocent victims. Police misconduct, abuse, and murder is not a new thing, it’s only that now that citizens have “body cameras” of

To be quite frank, if you are fearing for your own life, and the safety of your 4-year old daughter, not to mention the fading life of your innocent boyfriend, you should be able to put any damn thing you want on your Facebook if you think it’ll lead to you getting some help.