
I’m with Henry on this one: Sandra Beeman is just so fucking gorgeous.

Your dad wasn’t a murderous Russian spy


Well, precisely that's what the show does so well; giving so much layers
to Elizabeth and Phillip that we end up rooting with the Russians.

Yeah, I think the same. Actually, the on-island part resolved most of the important mythological remaining questions while having some damn entertaining action. The achievement of turning Jack into a sympathetic character and giving the Smoke Monster a personality are two of the things where I think this season

I'm already picking side: It's the BEST thing they could do with the WORST character addition ever. They turned such a bad casting/plot decision into a really fine episode.

They where confirmed in SOS, the episode where in Rose flashback we learned that there are places - The island and its electromagnetic pockets around the world- with unique healing powers.

The Kate and Jack relationship is one of the parts of the show that didn’t work as the producers expected. During the first episodes, they moved their love dichotomy so quickly that by episode 8 it seemed that they were both already in love, passing from point A to point D without showing all the process. In seasons 2

I also think that most of the reviews of season 3 are TOO HARD. Yeah, the flashbacks where starting to be repetitive and kind of dragged the plot, but I never felt that they were SO BAD. Maybe we had a few of them during the first episodes of this season that where dull, but since the Tricia Tanaka is dead episode all

Yeah, Sayid is such a great character during the first five seasons, that is a shame that during the last he doesn’t have the kind of closure we expected. On the other hand, it seems necessary that a main character of the show has the sickness of Smokey – one of the principal pieces of mythology since the beginning-

The energy of the Island has unique healing properties, as we see during the series in lots of cases. Locke spinal injury is healed as soon as he touches the Island, so I don't thing there's much mistery there.

The Island cured Locke's spinal injury and Roses's cancer with its magic energy; the show never gave us any indication that Jacob had the power to heal.

The reveal here that Ben not only isn’t healed as fast as Locke, but has had the tumor during his time in the Island, is one of the first indicators that the Island has its own conscience that makes choices and is able to manipulate their inhabitants. One of the things that I didn’t like of the last episode is that it

Locke as Smokey fits so well with the tragic arc of the character. Furthermore, with the flashsides we got the first season's Locke version, which gave us a nice contraste with Smokey Locke.

What do you think about season 6?

True, the Kimmy plot by itself is not a problem; the thing is that when you have 5/6 ongoing subplots (or contacts, as you say), the show starts to loose its narrative unity and focus. Not such a great deal, because the Paige and Martha parts are still some of the best shit i've seen lately in tv. Just a little

Yeah, probably that's how they lived and the creators are trying this season to show how stressful it was for them. And yeah, also probable that some of these subplots will continue during next season. Nevertheless, with such dispersion there's not as much narrative unity as in the last episodes of season 2.

By the Russian mole I mean the one that Stan suspected at the beginnings of the season and Oleg wanted to use as a trade with Nina. Speaking of which, she’s still trying to manipulate Anton Baklanov on Russia. And where the fuck is Kimberly?

I absolutely love The Americans; the arcs of Paige and Martha are being some of the best stuff we’ve seen this year in TV. This season is having moments so dramatically intense that it would be a bad joke if the Emmy’s turn to ignore the show again.

Awesome work of the writers since the tricia tanaka is dead episode until the 'We have to go back' revelation; this is my favourite stretch of episodes of Lost. They advance the plot so much –knowing new localizations of the island, revealing Jacob and having the final confrontation against The Others- and combine it