
Interesting! I never put 2 and 2 together as I always took Locke's opinions/thoughts about anything with a grain of salt. Locke was always a bit Smokey-like in that he felt himself to be very important, very wronged by people/society/fate, and always gravitated toward group situations where he could rise to the top.

The Logan thing isn't that crazy to me. Rory gets sent to/goes to London for work, knows that Logan works and lives there via Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, whatever, and messages him to get lunch. Or vice versa- Logan sees that Rory is in London and reaches out to her. They reconnect, the affair commences.

Yeah, Desmond really struggles with selfishness vs. selflessness throughout the series. At least, Ruth seems to think he bailed on their wedding out of cowardace, which IMO is a type of selfishness. Desmond could have let Charlie die in the trap and reassured himself that there was nothing he could do.

I.. sort of agree with you, at least as to your take on high school relationships. But Rory was not under any obligation to sleep with him? If he's in "aroused agitation" he can jerk it in the bathroom like every other teenager. I also just… don't see how wanting someone to care about to graduate high school is a

Agreed- this is a show where everyone is flawed. All the characters at some point make emotionally driven decisions that are clearly, to the viewer, not the right way to behave.

I think the parallels are more thematic. Its not "spunky single mom and precocious child" its more, "home is where you make it." All of the Gilmore girls felt insecure with their respective places in life. One by one they all find them.

Millenial is basically used as a dirty word these days, but for a lot of people, and specifically people who grew up watching this show, well..

I think Desmond did believe that following the flash exactly would bring him Penny. In Catch-22 (an underrated ep, IMO) he talks about having the puzzle pieces, and if one of the pieces changes, the picture on the box changes. He changes the pieces. In Through the Looking Glass, Charlie believes that his death will

I am so happy people are still discussing LOST somewhere! Are you keeping yourself on this thread?

A big theme in YITL was searching for and finding perspective, and even when you think you have it, your perspective shifts as your life changes. I agree with you and think this is where Rory will end up, with the benefit of a new perspective- her pregnancy.


I realize this article is 5 months old, but I LOVE that people are still writing about and discussing LOST.

I don't disagree, I just don't know what you could expect a teenage girl to do in that situation. I don't know most adults that could deal with a boyfriend with those kind of issues, at least not without serious struggle.

I agree with most of what you say about Jess- he has emotional issues that keep him guarded. But just because there's a psychological reason for his behavior, doesn't mean he's not responsible for his behavior. Rory is what, maybe 17 when they date? You're telling me that she is supposed to be equipped to deal with

Eh, i really think Rory's "awfulness" is exaggerated. She treated Dean badly and Dean treated her badly. She dealt with her first relationship… clumsily. Not really "awful" just immature. IDK what she did to Jess? Jess was an absolute shithead to her. And where do you draw the line between "using" family and friends

I started out really on board with your comment but have to disagree a little bit… Dean was "nice" to the point of being overbearing. He dumped Rory- granted she was clearly interested in someone else, but he dumped her, loudly and in public. Paul is truly nice, but considering he ends the relationship (if thats what

So I have a lot of feelings about this but at the moment feel the need to address the Rory hate. I don't get it.

I always thought that about Faraday! They specifically say he gets assigned off island to Ann Arbor.

I follow Dominic Monaghan on twitter and he's tweeted multiple times that Charlie chose to make a sacrifice. I think you're exactly right.

Definitely. Desmond told him that if he hits the red button and drowns, Claire and Aaron are rescued. He purposely locked the door to fulfill Desmond's vision.