
The world is horrible so we should all be horrible to each other because that’s just the way it is and should be.

I’ve been told it’s a blend of the boring parts of borderlands, fallout, and destiny with no branching dialogue or choices and no real side characters.

Better off making sequels or spin-offs for that then :P

I’ll wait and see on this prequel, but as for the sequel, I’m on the same page. I hope for, at most, a fleeting reference to the first game. To me, this series could be like the Fargo tv show - a new story every season, only loosely related to previous seasons. But still thematically and stylistically cohesive!

I really, really hope that they stick to their guns and make LIS2 a new story with new characters in a new setting. Max’s story is told, but the central time travel mechanic can be used in so many possible settings!

I really enjoyed Life is Strange, but I don’t feel like it needs a prequel or a sequel, at least regarding the characters in its story. A similar type of game with a whole new cast in a whole new setting sounds intriguing, but “prequel” means that the old characters are still present.

I don’t doubt that there might be some interesting story beats during Chloe’s and Rachel’s relationship. It’s just me having a hard time being excited about something if I know how it ends.
This is purely subjective. :)

I really hope “business” doesn’t turn this into a mess. LIS was great, and I am sort of optimistic about a follow up, but a prequel? This seems like a money grab, but I am open to being proven wrong, and I hope I am.

I still feel the best way to go with Life is Strange is to do the same thing as Persona. New cast and topic in every entry, with references and cameos connecting the games.

This probably makes some people happy but personally I am never exited for prequels. Especially if they take place shortly before the original.

Since I already know how things will play out in the end I have a hard time staying interested in most cases. There are some exceptions but eh.

But yeah we’ll see how it’ll

What is with writers’ obsession with prequels?

Yowza does this feel like the kind of story that would be cheapened by a prequel. Does anyone need to live the specifics of Chloe’s life between when she knew Max? I feel like adding a story that is interesting enough to warrant it’s own game but somehow not interesting enough to meaningfully factor into Max and

This game can be nerve wracking. It made me scared of chairs.