
I’m wondering if this comment is performance art. Because it’s pretty much exactly what Alex Jones sounds like. It’s so meta, it’s mind boggling. Does the author even realize he is just like Jones, crazy and ideologically blinded?

She just want more child support with a side order of alimony

The one that got me was the 23 year old woman working in PR who said “As a person who’s always been complimented on [my] ‘stunning beauty’ … I’d been searching for a ‘hot’ guy to match the label I had always been given,” says Young. “But after a date or two, they’ll have problems hanging out with you and then will

Yes, that is exactly what I said, in context, not at all a strawman. Yup. /s

“*psst. She doesn’t want to fuck you even if you call her smart and pretty while politely telling her to shut up.”

psst She doesn’t want to fuck you over your internet white-knighting either. 

This is one of those things where you have a choice — you can choose to be offended by it, or you can choose to accept it. I suggest the latter.

Hey don’t try and argue logic with their emotional jealousy and hatred.

I had a friend who was a model for Rockstar energy. Basically what the monster girls do just a different brand and she loved what she did. Who am I and who are you to judge these girls. Nobody is forcing them into this. You can’t say youre for the advancement of women then condem them all in the same article