This is what happens when airlines start nickel and dimming people for baggage fees. This whole overhead storage is fucking ridiculous.
This is what happens when airlines start nickel and dimming people for baggage fees. This whole overhead storage is fucking ridiculous.
What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?
But why a visa for British citizens? They should come in on ESTA, no?
Miss Kelly. You are mistaken. Santa Claus is not white. Because Santa Claus is not real. There is no Santa Claus.
I feel like I am not doing a great job of capturing, in words, the dread that this produces in me. Across the room, one of my dogs is licking its asshole with intense fervor; it is making sounds like the stirring of a pot of macaroni and cheese. Also, large bees are thumping loudly off the glass of the window with…
You know, maybe he wouldn’t have died from having been essentially poached and flayed alive. I mean, was that what really killed him? We’ll just never know. /s
Explain to me how it’s legal to put a citizen’s right to travel ‘under review’? How is there not already a lawsuit?
i’m serious when i say that i feel Oprah and her ilk are the reasons we have had the likes of W & Trump and the tea-baggers. i draw the line from her advertising consumer driven daytime talk to the current advertising consumer driven reality shows.
A huge sale on Marc Jacobs Nail Lacquers, Amazon’s mark down of watches for Valentine’s Day, discounted Superga…
I think he’ll still be blaming Obama well into his presidency.
Running gear for the new year, a TP-Link wireless router, the 5-in-1 RAVPower Filehub, and more lead Sunday’s best…
During a Tuesday hearing, one of Bill Cosby’s lawyers had a tense argument with a Philadelphia District Attorney…
In a December 6 interview with Rolling Stone, former Obama administration official-turned-cable news commentator Van…
Could Donald Trump become the 45th president of the United States of America, presiding over a Republican congress…
Worst nightmare.
Man. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the comments on this article are so different to the comments on last week’s Constance Wu/whitewashing article, but I am. Basically, it appears that “chill the fuck out” is the consensus here. The one movie of the year about a person with a serious disability — not…
Hi Dan—
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.
There is a writer who has listed her cat as co-author of all of her books.
Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.