The Feminist Agenda to derail my attempts to obtain ham will not be tolerated.
The Feminist Agenda to derail my attempts to obtain ham will not be tolerated.
So, how long will it take for Azealia Banks to start a long-winded Twitter beef with her?
Always highlight truthers.
I usually just say, "Hey, wanna ride to Boner Town on the Sausage Express?"
I struggle with how to reconcile your statement that Hertz' piece "is based around taking four sentences of my article entirely out context to accuse me of saying that the South Side is now—as we speak—in a state of gentrification, which I did not argue" with (1) the article's headline ("Gentrification is the Real…
Editor's note: We used the male pronoun in this piece because there has been no official confirmation from Jenner about a transition, nor has Jenner made clear any preference regarding pronouns. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns.
Angering Drew enough to get him to write this, even though it physically pained him? I regret nothing.
Comment_ninja moved the comment by Tulos_mullet to #hineyholeisland
An artist's depiction of Lily's editor hanging out in this comments section
I started the booty song movement
Her ribs look like back-up tits.
Wait, just clicking on other stories on this this a real website? Or is this a shitty Daily Currant knockoff?
To fix my termite problem I burned my house to the ground.
"Stevie and I played catch for hours. He's an amazing human being."
Meanwhile, Russell Wilson is doing some rumor investigating as well:
Cute couple. Who photoshopped 1997 Derek Fisher into the picture?
like why is she oily